Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 65 Cuju disturbance [5]

Chapter 65 Cuju disturbance [5]

Du Yuling was startled when he heard the sound of saluting, and hurriedly turned around to salute, "I have seen the emperor, the imperial concubine, the concubine Yu, and the concubine Yu. Long live my emperor, long live my empress, and good fortune and peace. ".

She didn't know when the personal maid of 'Shangguan Die'er' left.She only knows that she is a little flustered now, and she doesn't know why there are so many people here today.

Usually she is here to watch Gongsun Hao's Cuju, but there are not many people here.First came the 'Shangguan Dier' today, and now even the emperor came, as well as Concubine Liu, Concubine Yu, and Concubine Yu.This made her not know how to deal with it for a while, what if the emperor asked her in a while?
She is a concubine in the harem, how could she come to Goulan to see other men?And that man is none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"Flat body!".Gongsun Zhenran's tone was not very good, because he saw that it was not only his two sons leading the guards who were playing Cuju in the Goulan, but there was also a white figure. Li Fei!
"Thank you, Your Majesty."Du Yuling thanked and got up.
Concubine Yu saw that Gongsun Zhenran's expression had changed, she put her hand over her red lips pretending to be surprised, "Ah! Isn't that Sister Li Concubine? Why is she playing Cuju with the Crown Prince?".

While Concubine Yu was speaking, she secretly glanced at Gongsun Zhenran from the corner of her eye. Sure enough, Gongsun Zhenran's face became darker because of Concubine Yu's words.

The three Cuju players in the Goulan heard the sound from this side, stopped their movements, and walked towards this side at the same time.

After leaving the Goulan, Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu clasped their fists at the same time, "I have seen my father.".

'Shangguan Die'er' stands proudly.The smile on Gongsun Zhenran's face just now disappeared when Gongsun Zhenran appeared, and the only thing left was expressionless.A little cold.This was already something she had tried her best to restrain.

Gongsun Zhenran ignored the two sons' salute, but looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' blankly, as if he was waiting for her to explain why she was here.

Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu saw that their father ignored them, but stared at 'Shangguan Die'er'.Anxious, Gongsun Yu raised his head and opened his mouth. Just when he was about to say something, Concubine Liu Gui said in a timely manner: "Hey, the jade pendant on Sister Li Concubine's waist is so familiar, it seems that where I used to be I've seen it!"

Liu Guifei's words successfully attracted everyone's attention, including Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu, to the white jade pendant on the waist of 'Shangguan Die'er'.Isn't it a gift from Gongsun Yu?

Although Gongsun Yu was delighted that she would wear the jade pendant she had given her on her waist, but at this moment, he was more worried.After all, it belongs to the concubine.Father must know.

Now, even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to clean it up.

When Gongsun Zhenran saw the jade pendant, his complexion changed from black to green, and then to black again.

When Gongsun Yu was about to kneel down and take all the crimes on him, 'Shangguan Die'er' suddenly said, "Is this the jade pendant that the imperial concubine is talking about?". As 'Shangguan Die'er' said, he took off the jade pendant from his waist, looked at it twice and said: "This is a few days ago, when I was visiting the imperial garden, I accidentally picked it up on the ground, I looked pretty, The color is also of high quality, so I liked it and put it on, and the imperial concubine said it looked familiar, could it be that this jade pendant belongs to the imperial concubine? If so, then I will return the jade pendant to the imperial concubine." .

(End of this chapter)

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