Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 66 Cuju disturbance [6]

Chapter 66 Cuju disturbance [6]

'Shangguan Dier' said, and handed the jade pendant to Concubine Liu Gui.

'Shangguan Die'er' showed no flaws on her face.From the beginning to the end, they were calm and nothing happened, as if they were chatting about family matters.

Gongsun Yu secretly sighed at the calmness of 'Shangguan Die'er', and also admired her calmness in handling things.

Although the explanation of 'Shangguan Die'er' did not completely win people's trust, it also made Gongsun Zhenran's complexion slightly better.

Concubine Yu took over the words at this time, "Ah! I remembered this, no wonder I also find this jade pendant familiar. How can this belong to Concubine Liu? It's clearly Concubine Hua's! After going there, isn’t this something Yu Wang carries with him every day? How could it have fallen in the Imperial Garden for Sister Li to pick it up by chance?”.Concubine Yu meant something.

"A few days ago, Xiao Wang did walk through the imperial garden, perhaps he accidentally dropped it in the imperial garden, and let the concubine Li pick it up.".Gongsun Yu took the words at the right time.

Almost at the same time when Gongsun Yu's voice fell, Gongsun Hao quickly answered, "I can testify that I and my third younger brother passed by the Royal Garden a few days ago. At that time, I was still wondering why the third younger brother's jade pendant disappeared. , I thought it was the third brother who forgot to wear it! It turned out that it was lost, and Empress Li picked it up.".
"Since it is something His Royal Highness Yu Wang must wear every day, how can he not know if it is lost? Why did he only find out today?".Concubine Liu Gui is determined not to let go of a flaw, how can she let go of such a good opportunity today?

"The imperial concubine doesn't know about this. It is precisely because the jade pendant was left to Xiao Wang by the mother concubine, so Xiao Wang cherishes it very much and wears it on his body every day. Of course, he found that the jade pendant was lost, but Xiao Wang was I searched for it in private, but I didn’t make it public. After all, it’s Xiao Wang’s private matter, so it’s not going to make a big fuss and make everyone know about it, right?”Gongsun Yu replied with a smile.

Even with evasion, he could get 'Shangguan Die'er' out of danger, how could he let her into danger again?
Gongsun Yu's answer made Liu Guifei a little speechless.Because there are no flaws, she can't refute anything, she can't say, there are palace people to testify, it was he who gave 'Shangguan Die'er' as a gift, right?Wouldn't it be that he pushed himself to the edge, and he voluntarily admitted that there were arrangements for meticulous work in Xiyan Palace?
This is the taboo of the harem.Naturally, it's a taboo in the open, but in private, which concubine doesn't fight openly and secretly like this?
Concubine Yu, who had been silent all this time, saw that Concubine Liu Gui had no refusal, so she quickly took over and said, "Leave aside the matter of the jade pendant, why did Concubine Li play the Cuju together with the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness Yu Wang, you have to explain this?" . 'Shangguan Die'er' was higher than her by one rank as soon as she entered the palace, and she was always upset about this.

And she is younger and more beautiful than her, so how can she not be jealous, how can she not want to get rid of her?Now that she has finally seized the opportunity, she will not let it go easily!

'Shangguan Die'er' smiled gracefully, "I heard that the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness Yu Wang like Cuju, and I was curious for a while, so I wanted to come and have a look, and let the Crown Prince and His Highness Yu Wang give advice. Being idle in the palace is also idle Don't you?"
"However, Sister Li Concubine is also the Emperor's concubine, so it must be inappropriate to be so close to the Crown Prince and King Yu?"Concubine Yu meant something.

(End of this chapter)

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