Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 67 Cuju disturbance [7]

Chapter 67 Cuju disturbance [7]

'Shangguan Die'er' still smiled faintly, "Concubine Yu, if you have something to say, you may as well just say it, this palace is just playing kickball with the crown prince and His Royal Highness King Yu, so many people are watching here, could it be that just kickball is not enough?" ? As for this piece of jade pendant, it is the thing left by His Royal Highness Yu Wang and his concubine, and I will return it to Yu Wang." While 'Shangguan Die'er' was speaking, he handed the white jade pendant to Gongsun Yu, and Gongsun Yu had no choice but to accept it.

"Enough! Today's matter is over, I don't want to hear any more voices about this matter!".Gongsun, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, turned around and left.

"The courtiers and concubines send the emperor respectfully.".

"The sons and ministers send the emperor respectfully.".

"The slave sent the emperor respectfully.".

"Slaves respectfully send the emperor off.".

For a while, everyone saluted and sent off, only 'Shangguan Die'er' stood proudly dressed in white.

Gongsun Zhenran is gone, and those concubines who want to get rid of 'Shangguan Die'er' have no reason to stay.

All of them had to shake their sleeves angrily and leave.

In Goulanchang, only the original people remained.

'Shangguan Die'er' looked at Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu, "I wanted to play Cuju together with His Royal Highness Prince Yu Wang, but since it would be used to make a big fuss, I don't want to fall into your injustice, so I leave." . 'Shangguan Die'er' finished speaking expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Xue'er returned behind 'Shangguan Die'er' at some point, and the master and servant left together.

Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu watched Bai Yingying leave.But he ignored that there was a beautiful blue figure beside him.

Du Yuling looked at Gongsun Hao, then at the back of 'Shangguan Die'er', feeling sad in his heart.

The eyelids drooped slightly, as if something was brewing.Immediately raising his eyes, his face was already covered with a good-looking smile, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, "I will also take my leave first, Crown Prince, His Royal Highness King Yu, take care.".Gently nodding his head, moving his lotus steps lightly, he turned and left gracefully.


"Master, why didn't you kill them directly? Instead, you got so close to them?"Xue'er was really puzzled, although she knew that 'Shangguan Die'er' must have her own plan.

Listening to Xue'er's words, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shangguan Die'er's lips, "It's too cheap to kill them directly! I want them to die!".While speaking, a frightening coldness emanated from his whole body, his eyes were full of hatred, his hands were subconsciously clenched into fists, and then slowly loosened, his face returned to calm.


Gongsun Yu, who returned to the palace, was fascinated by the jade pendant in his hand.She actually wears it, so she did it on purpose, right?
But why, he couldn't be happy, but his heart was tightened and hurt?
Butterfly... Butterfly... Butterfly...

Gongsun Yu silently recited this name engraved into the bone marrow at a glance... a beautiful figure engraved into the bone marrow.

PS: That's it for the first volume of "Gong Dou".Starting tomorrow, it will be the second volume of "Hunting", and beautiful men will appear one after another.At the beginning of the second volume, there will also be monsters appearing, hehe, do you have any small expectations?Beauty and Warcraft~ One more spoiler, the third volume will be completely fantasy. (*^__^*) Hee hee... That concludes today's update.See you guys tomorrow. ╭(╯3╰)╮
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(End of this chapter)

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