Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 79 1 Amazing Dance [2]

Chapter 79 A Dance That Surprises [2]

For example: Gongsun Yu, Gongsun Hao, Yun Haoran.They didn't have the heart to watch the dance.

Both Gongsun Yu and Gongsun Hao's thoughts were on 'Shangguan Die'er'.Yun Haoran also explored 'Shangguan Die'er'.

When a dance is over.

The woman bowed to Gongsun Zhenran, but did not step down immediately.Instead, she smiled coquettishly, and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that Concubine Li is beautiful and versatile, and now, while everyone is happy, why not let Concubine Li perform for fun?".

As soon as these words came out, 'Shangguan Die'er' frowned displeasedly, and Gongsun Hao, Gongsun Yu, Gongsun Di, and Yun Haoran also looked at 'Shangguan Die' who was sitting on the seat at the same time as the woman's voice fell. Son'.

Gongsun Zhenran was happy today, listening to the woman's suggestion, he became interested for a while, raised his eyebrows, and was about to respond.But Gongsun Yu said: "Father, Concubine Li is a concubine of my father's palace, how can she dance with everyone.".

"Father, the ministers also agree with the third brother's words. Concubine Li is a concubine in the harem. You must not do such things." Gongsun Hao also hurriedly helped to talk.

Although, one of them is His Highness the Crown Prince, and the other is His Highness the King of Yu.But they don't see dancing girls as something inferior.It's just that they really don't want to let 'Shangguan Dier' dance in front of everyone.Although I really want to see the style.But the decision is not in front of so many people.

But their words have been exported, and naturally some people will not like it.

The first person to take the conversation was Wan Gui who was still on the stage, "The two highnesses mean that their dancing skills are poor. Will they insult the concubine Li? Although the concubines are only small nobles, they are also members of the emperor's harem." A woman. Although her status is not as good as that of Concubine Li, but... ".Mrs. Wan deliberately left half of what she said.

"I've never seen Concubine Li perform before. Lady Wan is right. Since she is also my woman can perform on stage, so can Concubine Li. What do you think of Concubine Li."Gongsun Zhenran looked at 'Shangguan Die'er', as if he was asking for 'Shangguan Die'er''s opinion, but the implication was that he had already made a decision on 'Shangguan Die'er'.

'Shangguan Die'er' had no choice but to get up from his seat, "Since the emperor has spoken, if Die'er doesn't perform on stage again, I'm afraid it will spoil everyone's interest. It's just that Die'er is ignorant, so don't tarnish the eyes of the emperor and everyone else." That's it."

'Shangguan Die'er' started to walk towards the stage while speaking.A glint of pride flashed in Wan Guiren's eyes.She is best at dancing, and she heard that the prime minister's daughter, Shangguan Dier, is because she is an only daughter.Prime Minister Shangguan and his wife are very fond of them.So she's just an idiot with a pretty face.

She doesn't think that 'Shangguan Die'er' can overwhelm others, on the contrary.It will definitely be a laughing stock.In this way, it will embarrass the royal family, let's see how the emperor will spoil her!So what if there is a peerless appearance?

'Shangguan Die'er' stepped onto the stage, wearing a white dress, which was particularly conspicuous in the night.

All eyes were locked on the white figure on the stage.She slowly raised her sleeve, hooked her right leg slightly, and bowed her body backward.

Slowly straightening her right leg again, she stood up slowly, waving her white dress.Turning on the stage.Like a fairy descending from heaven and earth, she is spotless.

(End of this chapter)

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