Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 80 1 Amazing Dance [3]

Chapter 80 A Dance That Surprises [3]

Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu were completely immersed in the dance of 'Shangguan Die'er', they couldn't see anything.Gongsun Di also went from being amazed by 'Shangguan Die'er' at the beginning to immersed in the dance of this song now.Can't help showing love.

Yun Haoran's eyes were full of inquiry, but he also enjoyed the dance, letting his thoughts sink into it slowly.

Everyone couldn't help being intoxicated by the dance.Only Wan Gui had a look of disbelief.There was still a trace of panic in the eyes.Because now 'Shangguan Die'er''s astonishment, in exchange for a while, is definitely her own humiliation.

However, the dance is over.There was a burst of applause and cheers from the audience.Even Gongsun Zhenran couldn't help being immersed, clapping his palms together, he couldn't help clapping.

'Shangguan Dier' glanced lightly at the position of Mrs. Wan Gui, and then walked to his seat.

"Concubine Li is versatile, she is really a blessing to me!".Immediately, some officials took advantage of this momentum to flatter and flatter.

"Yes, yes, Concubine Li's appearance can be said to be overwhelming, peerless. Now she dances gracefully, just like a fairy descending from the sky.".

"To be able to dance to such a level, I am afraid that there is only Li Fei in this world."

All of a sudden, all kinds of flattering words came to the ears of 'Shangguan Dier'.Gongsun Zhenran accepted it with pleasure.Because these are not just flattery, they are the truth.

In the early morning of the next day, some palace servants packed up their things.Drive back to the imperial city.

All the officials who stayed behind in the imperial city greeted them outside the imperial city.The battle is huge.

The astonishing news of Empress Li dancing on Wuling Mountain quickly spread throughout the imperial city.This also made the prime minister and his wife wonder why their daughter weighed a few pounds, they still knew, how could she be so amazing?The concubines in the palace who were unable to participate in the hunting were disdainful, and they only regarded it as an exaggeration by someone with a heart.

long □ □——

"Ma'am, the prince has returned to the palace."Madam Liu reported with a smile all over her face.Concubine Liu Gui, who was dozing off, heard this.Busy opened his eyes.There was unconcealable joy on his face, "Really? Where is Dier?".

Almost at the same time that Concubine Liu Gui finished speaking, Gongsun Di took over. "Mother and concubine, my son and minister are here."

Concubine Liu Gui followed the source of the sound.Gongsun Di, who was dressed in a brocade robe with a red pattern pattern, came in from outside the hall and saluted Concubine Liu Gui, "My son and minister greet the mother and concubine, and the mother and concubine are well.".

Concubine Liu Gui hurriedly got up and went over to help Gongsun Di, "Di'er, my child, mother and concubine are looking forward to you. Get up quickly, and let mother and concubine see if you have lost weight.".

Then he reached out and caressed Gongsun Di's face, his face was full of love and affection. "I've lost a lot of weight, and the frontier must be suffering.".After finishing speaking, she turned around and said to Liu Nanny: "Liu Nanny, hurry up and ask someone to prepare a meal. Dier rarely comes back, so he must make up for it.".

"Hey, old slave, let's get ready."Nanny Liu hurriedly nodded in response, and retreated from the hall.

In the huge hall, Concubine Liu Gui and Gongsun Di, mother and son, were left alone.

"Come on, Dill. Did you learn anything on the frontier?"Concubine Liu Gui pulled Gongsun Di to sit down on the concubine's couch.

"My son learned a lot in the frontier that couldn't be learned in the imperial city. Mother and concubine can rest assured. My son will take good care of himself."Gongsun Di answered very frankly.

Concubine Liu Gui was very satisfied with Gongsun Di's answer.There are smiles between his brows and eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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