Chapter 108

When Jun Qian just arrived, what he saw was such a scene, he stopped in place for a while, and there was a smear of injury in the depths of his eyes.

It turned out that when they stood together, they would match up like that, as if no one could get in.

Here, Su Qing leaned on Su Xuanchen's shoulder, wrapped her arms around his, and hugged him gently.

"Xuan Chen, what kind of person is this Li Guo prince, why do I have to marry him?"

Su Xuanchen's body was still stiff, but he still didn't push her away.

Her throat rolled slightly, and Su Xuanchen's slightly deep voice rang in her ears again: "Li Shang, it is rumored that he has a charming and peerless face, but he is arrogant and domineering, and he is not a good master to serve."

Su Qing didn't listen to what he said, but instead asked: "Peerless face? But if compared with Xuan Chen's beautiful face, whose..."

Su Qing leaned close to his ear: "Will it be better?"

Su Xuanchen couldn't bear it anymore, he just shook off her, and said coldly: "I don't know how to be ashamed!"

With a strong cold drink on his mouth, the heart beats more and more frequently.

Su Qing looked at his hopping appearance with a smile in her eyes, and she was not teasing him, her tone was a bit serious: "I will not marry Li Shang."

Su Xuanchen calmed down instantly, turned to her and asked, "Why?"

Su Qing bent down and threw another stone into the river. Seeing the calmness of the river, she said slowly, "I only want to marry someone I like, such as Jun Qian, or..."

Su Qing turned to look at him, her red lips parted slightly: "You!"

Su Xuanchen turned his face away, covered his lips and coughed, and said solemnly: "You have never been in contact with Li Shang, how do you know you are not happy?"

Su Qing didn't answer, but instead asked with a smile: "The dignified prince of a country, do you think he would be willing to be humble?"

Regardless of the noble status of the prince from the country, she knew from Su Xuanchen's few words that he must be an arrogant person. Otherwise, how could the always indifferent Master of the State Teacher be judged as being difficult to serve?

After pondering for a moment, Su Xuanchen actually said directly: "What Your Highness said is unreasonable. If Li Shang doesn't want to be a minor, it is enough for my teacher to give up the position of Zhengjun."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, and the door of Su Qing's heart that had just been opened was frozen instantly, and her eyes darkened: "The national teacher said that he can retire after being enthroned in this palace. Is this true or false?"


"No matter how many people the palace marries, the national teacher won't care?"


"Then why do you care so much about my palace marrying Junqian?" Su Qing gritted her teeth and asked unwillingly.

For some reason, Su Xuanchen returned to that look of keeping strangers away, and when he turned to look at her, there was no emotion in his eyes: "Because Jun Qian has no effect on you, it is not as good as Jun Huai'an."

Su Qing looked at him for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

Only people who are useful to her, Su Xuanchen will not object, as for the others, is this what you mean by turning a blind eye?

The anger in Su Qing's chest was aroused in an instant, and she pointed at the river with her slender fingers, with endless coldness in her eyes: "If you jump from here, I will promise you and marry Li Shang."

Seeing the change in the aura between them, Jun Qian naively thought it was because of himself, so he hurried up to try to explain.

Su Qing looked at him fixedly, she didn't believe that Su Xuanchen could jump, that's why she said this so brazenly.

But in the next second, something that shocked her happened. Su Xuanchen ran to the river and jumped...

Su Qing choked for breath, and just about to jump, she thought: Su Xuanchen should be able to swim, otherwise he wouldn't have the courage to jump down.

Thinking about it this way, Su Qing was not in a hurry.

It's just that Mo Yu's panicked voice suddenly came from behind: "Young master, young master..."

Su Qing turned around abruptly, and looked into the distance, Jun Qian was thumping desperately in the river.

Just about to turn around and leave, Chunyin appeared at this moment. Su Qing remembered that she was someone beside Su Xuanchen.

"Your Highness, the national teacher can't use water!"

What? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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