Chapter 109
Su Qing's face turned pale for a moment, and she ran to the bank suddenly. The river was as calm as water, and she could no longer see Su Xuanchen's shadow.

"Young master, who will save my young master...?" Over there, Mo Yu's crying voice kept ringing in her ears.

Su Qing was in a dilemma for a while.

"What are you doing, go and save your master!" Su Qing's forehead bulged with veins, and she yelled at Chun Yin violently.

"Your Highness, the national teacher is a man, and his subordinates don't know how to swim." Chun Yin said this quickly, and knelt down on the ground.

If she went into the water to save someone, Su Xuanchen's innocence would be lost.

"Young master, I'll save you." Bailifeng's cold voice reached Su Qing's ears.

Su Qing seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly took off her robe, and jumped into the river.

The place where Jun Qian fell into the water was not too far away from her, and he knew that the person she rescued first should be Su Xuanchen.

But when he actually saw it, Jun Qian's heart still ached uncontrollably.

Su Qing dived into the water and swam desperately towards the direction where Su Xuanchen fell. Damn it, what angry words did she just say! !

Just when Su Qing was about to lack oxygen, she suddenly saw the whiteness. Su Qing lowered her eyes and swam towards him quickly.

Su Qing hugged him with great difficulty, but found that Su Xuanchen's complexion was pale and his lips were blue at this moment. If there is no such thing as oxygen, he might die here.

So, without any hesitation, Su Qing pressed her lips to her...

Reaching out to wrap his arms around his waist, he led him upstream.


After finally diving out of the water, Su Qing hugged him with one hand, and swam towards the shore with difficulty with the other.

At some point, a large group of people gathered on the shore, and they all watched Su Qing swimming towards the shore in panic.

Chun Yin immediately stood up, picked up Su Qing's robe and ran to the shore.

When Su Qing came ashore, she immediately handed over the robe, and Su Qing suddenly put him on Su Xuanchen.

Only then did he have time to turn his head to look at Jun Qian on the other side, seeing him leaning against Baili Feng's arms with a pale face, but he was still sober.

Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly turned his head, put down the person in his hand, and lay down on his back.

"Pure tone, disperse the crowd!"


Su Qing wanted to untie his collar, but suddenly realized that Su Xuanchen was just a man, so she had no choice but to order Chun Yin to disperse him first.

Immediately, he leaned down again, raised his jaw, and performed chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Here, Jun Qian was wearing a black robe of Bailifeng, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Regardless of his weak body, he stumbled towards Su Qing.

Just when Su Qing wanted to lift the national teacher's feet and shake them down, Su Xuanchen finally coughed out...

Su Qing couldn't dodge in time, and actually directly endured the river water coughed up from Su Xuanchen's mouth.

Just as Su Xuanchen recovered, he saw Su Qing with a gloomy expression.

Just as Su Xuanchen was about to open his mouth to say something, Su Qing scolded his head and covered his face: "Su Xuanchen, is there something wrong with your brain? Can't you hear that I'm angry? You really want to dance when you say dance?"

Su Xuanchen was still lying on his back on the ground, before he could say anything, he was stunned by Su Qing's spit.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Su Qing lost her temper for a moment, raised her hand and slapped him on the head: "Is your brain full of water? Why haven't I seen you so obedient before? I Why don't you go if you are asked to eat?"

Su Xuanchen's mind seemed to be flooded, and he asked stupidly: "What is Xiang?"

Su Qing was stunned by his question, and didn't want to explain, so she raised her hand and slapped him on the head again.

Standing up, he bypassed him and walked towards Jun Qian in the distance. Su Xuanchen turned his head and stared blankly at her back.

(End of this chapter)

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