Chapter 110
Jun Qian just ran in front of her, his whole body was dripping wet, his handsome face was also covered with water droplets, and there were some small water droplets on his long eyelashes.

At this moment, Jun Qian was standing in front of her with his head down, with a guilty expression on his face.

There were still some people on the shore pointing at Jun Qian and Su Xuanchen. Su Qing was agitated for a while, and yelled at the hidden guard: "Find a carriage."

Jun Qian is unmarried, and whoever saved him just now, it stands to reason that Jun Qian should marry him. Therefore, Su Qing did not dare to call the hidden guards into the water, otherwise, with Jun Qian's temperament, he might not want to see anyone in the future.

Fortunately, there is still a hundred miles.

As for Su Xuanchen, he was already a husband, and the women on the shore were helpless even if they wanted to save him.

At that moment just now, she was trembling all over, but Su Xuanchen was the one who shouted and jumped, so what about Jun Qian?

"Little stammer, why did you fall into the water?" Even though she was full of resentment, Su Qing still pulled his coat for him.

At this moment, Jun Qian looked up with some doubts, and there was a little grievance in a pair of twinkling eyes: "Someone kicked me!"

Su Qing took a deep breath and kicked him?Or at such a juncture, who is it?
It was too chaotic just now, and her attention was all on Su Xuanchen, so Su Qing was very angry at this moment.

If there is no Bailifeng, no matter who she saves, the other person's life will be in danger!

"Did you see any suspicious people just now?" Su Qing lowered her eyes coldly, and asked the surrounding guards full of hostility.

"Your Highness, forgive me, it was too chaotic just now, my subordinates..." The ten hidden guards knelt down and pleaded guilty in an instant. Jun Qian fell into the water after Su Xuanchen, and their attention was not on Jun Qian.

Su Xuanchen also came over at this time, Jun Qian really saw Su Xuanchen's peerless face clearly.

Although he fell into the water and was a little embarrassed, it still couldn't conceal his magnificence.

"I didn't think well about what happened today."

It was rare that Su Xuanchen stood behind Su Qing, lowered his head and said that.

Su Qing closed her eyes severely, her hands trembled slightly, she really wanted to slap Su Xuanchen to death.

"Your Highness, the carriage has arrived!" Xia He appeared out of nowhere and drove the carriage to the shore.

"Both of you, get the hell out of here!" Su Qing herself didn't know what she was angry with, she just wanted to vent it, even with a bad tone towards the two of them.

Jun Qian's eyes were red, his lips were trembling, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he ran over in a hurry and climbed into the carriage with all his hands and feet.

Su Xuanchen also lowered his head, knowing that he was in the wrong, but he himself didn't know why he was angry with Su Qing just now.

Such childish things would never be something he, Su Xuanchen, could do.

"This matter is strange, you should be careful."

After speaking, Su Xuanchen turned and left.

After the dark guard drove away in the carriage, Su Qing finally calmed down, but there was still overwhelming anger in her eyes.

Xia He knelt at her feet. She was rushing here, but ran in the wrong direction...

Moreover, even if she was at the scene, she would never dare to save the two young masters, so she could only kneel down and wait for Su Qing to deal with her.

"Although the scene was chaotic just now, there are so many people on the shore, someone must have seen who kicked Jun Qian into the water, you immediately take people to ask one by one, before dark, the palace wants a result!" Su Qing stood with her hands behind her back, The cold and stern aura all over her body made Xia He's head droop even lower.

"Yes!" Xia He had never seen the princess so angry that even the national teacher was slapped twice.

If she can't find out, the consequences can be imagined.

Xia He trembled all over, and retreated in a hurry. She had to run quickly to intercept the people on the shore just now, and it would be over when the meeting was over.

The hidden guards left halfway, and there were five people standing quietly behind Su Qing.

Standing on the shore for a long time, a sneer appeared on the corner of Su Qing's mouth: "Let's go, accompany me to meet the magistrate."

 Even handicapped, add more things like this~ I will work hard~
(End of this chapter)

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