Chapter 111
In the carriage—

Su Xuanchen was wearing Su Qing's purple robe and sat far away on one side, while Jun Qian was huddled on the other side wearing a hundred-mile black cloak.

The two were relatively speechless.

It wasn't until the carriage was approaching Qiming Villa that Jun Qian said tremblingly, "I'm sorry, today... today... it's... my fault."

Su Xuanchen's face was cold, without any expression.

Jun Qian continued to lower his head and said, "I...I just wanted to... want to come to... give you... an apology, no... I didn't...did... fall into the water on purpose."

Only then did Su Xuanchen look up at him, a pair of dark ink pupils mixed with a trace of coldness, and even the words he said were icy cold: "It is precisely because you didn't fall into the water on purpose that you can ride in the same carriage with my national teacher at this moment."

Su Xuanchen resisted the pain in his head, the occasional darkness in front of his eyes, and the overwhelming feeling in his abdomen, and looked at Jun Qian coldly.

Jun Qian's whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but flinch quietly.

"Zhengjun, we're here." The carriage stopped, and the deep voice of the dark guard came from outside the curtain.

Su Xuanchen covered his abdomen, stood up with a bent waist, and cast a sidelong glance at Jun Qian: "A word of advice to the young master, don't move your mind when you shouldn't, Your Highness is not a fool!"

In the dark, Jun Qian stayed quietly in the corner, his slender fingers gripping the corners of his clothes tightly, his fingertips turned slightly white due to too much force.


"National teacher!" Dongxue's panicked shout suddenly came from outside the curtain.

Jun Qian's heart trembled, and he threw open the curtain and jumped down. The moment he saw Su Xuanchen fell to the ground, he was stunned.

Dongxue panicked, just as she was about to reach out to hug Su Xuanchen, she was pushed to the ground by Jun Qian.

Jun Qian looked at her indifferently: "He is already a husband!"

Immediately, he tried his best to straighten Su Xuanchen from the ground. The servant at the door just saw it, and hurried forward to help Jun Qian lift Su Xuanchen up.

Most of the maids looked away, Jun Qian and Su Xuanchen were both wet, they couldn't look.

Only Dong Xue clenched her hands tightly, her nails digging deep into her flesh, watching them work with a frosty face.

Jun Qian wrapped Su Xuanchen's outer robe tightly again, then squatted down, carried Su Xuanchen on his back with great effort, and moved towards the mansion with difficulty, his small face flushed red.

But I still didn't forget to tell the servant: "Go and call the doctor!"

Qiu Shui came out at this time, and just saw this scene, and was scared out of his wits in an instant.

"How is this going?"

Jun Qian shook his head, indicating that he didn't know, and continued to walk in with Su Xuanchen on his back.

Qiu Shui turned around in a hurry, and hurriedly ordered the hidden guard: "Quickly go and inform His Highness."

Liu Feng's mansion——

Liu Feng was hugging the two servants from left to right, with a wretched smile on his fat face.

"My lord, my lord, ma'am..." the guard rushed in and said hastily.

Liu Feng's face was full of displeasure, and his fat hand gently pinched the servant beside him, making the person in his arms smile coquettishly.

"Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs., tell me clearly!"

Only then did the guard calm down, but he still pointed at the door with trembling fingers, and yelled, "His Royal Highness is coming!"

Liu Feng waved his hand indifferently: "When you come..."

Immediately, he reacted immediately, the smile on his face stiffened, he turned around in disbelief and asked, "Who's here?"

"His Royal Highness, it's in the front hall!"

Liu Feng hurriedly pushed away the servant beside him, ignored the cry of the servant, hurriedly pulled up his clothes, pulled up his pants and ran out frantically.

Su Qing sat on the main seat, sipping tea slowly, but her heart was still in a state of irritability.

"My minister didn't know that the Empress Dowager is here, please forgive me!" Liu Feng's fat body ran very fast, and he knelt down in front of Su Qing in an instant.

 Piaopiao~ And thank you Xier for the reward~ Confession again~
(End of this chapter)

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