The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 112 Threats in disguised form

Chapter 112 Threats in disguised form

Su Qing didn't tell her to get up, but she glanced at Liu Feng below: "Lord Liu is so honorable that I let the hall wait for you for so long!"

This obviously unkind tone made Liu Feng's forehead beaded with sweat, and his whole body trembled violently.

"His...Your Highness, I deserve to die, I'm guilty!" Liu Feng hurriedly stood up, slapping his fat fleshy face with slap after slap.

Su Qing watched indifferently, but did not say anything to stop her!

Liu Feng was already involved in corruption and bribery, especially serious, she didn't talk about it or investigate it, it was just because she was too lazy to deal with it, now that she could teach him a little lesson, it just calmed down her anger just now.

Kill two birds with one stone!
For a moment, only the sound of Liu Feng slapping his hands could be heard in the entire hall.

It wasn't until Liu Feng's face was swollen like a pig's head that Su Qing quietly said: "Stop!"

Liu Feng's face was swollen, and he knelt at her feet tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

"Go down!" Su Qing waved her hand lightly, and said to the surrounding maids.

"Yes!" After bowing down and saluting, the maids filed out, even Su Qing's hidden guards retreated.

At this moment, only Su Qing, Liu Feng and Bai Lifeng were left in the hall.

Su Qing pondered for a moment, and her cold voice rang above Liu Feng's head.

"Liu Feng, a local, came from a poor family when he was young, but his mother, Mrs. Liu, was an alcoholic gambler. She ruined the family and even sold the fields to farm cattle. In the end, your father Cao Mrs. Cao was also sold off, because she owed a large sum of money to the gambling house. Later, Mrs. Cao couldn't bear the humiliation and threw herself into the river. Since then, Master Liu has hated your mother Mrs. Liu, and tried every means to kill her mother to comfort the spirit of her deceased father. "

Su Qing saw that Liu Feng's fat face suddenly sank, her red lips slightly hooked, and her eyes narrowed coldly: "Master Liu has a good trick, he was able to sit in the position of magistrate all the way in a lonely and helpless situation."

Su Qing bent down and looked at her fixedly: "Over the past 20 years, I have carried a lot of lives on my hands."

Liu Feng froze all over, his downcast eyes gleamed, and he fell to the ground suddenly: "Your Highness, you can just say what you want, as long as I can do it, I will definitely live up to my mission!"

Liu Feng stared fixedly at the floor, she knew that Su Qing knew these things a long time ago, but Su Qing gave her a chance.

If Su Qing really wanted to kill her, what was waiting for her now was probably the execution ground, instead of coming here in person and telling her these things.

Su Qing leaned lazily on the back of the chair, narrowed her long and narrow eyes slightly, and parted her red lips lightly: "It's nothing, I just want to take a look at Mr. Liu's record of entering and leaving the city."

Liu Feng's heart tightened slightly, the record of entering and leaving the city, this is a secret file, and it is impossible to take it out without the empress' order, even if that person...

It's a princess!
"Master Liu, think it over before you speak. Our patience is limited." The tone was obviously loose, but Liu Feng heard threats from it.

He secretly wiped his sweat, but he already had some concerns in his heart.Either way, it's death. If you agree with the crown lady, maybe you can survive.

"Weichen, go and get it for His Highness!" Finally, Liu Feng prostrated himself on the ground and said this.

"En." Su Qing hummed lightly, but Liu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly backed out.

At this time, the dark guard came in a hurry and whispered something to Su Qing. Su Qing's expression changed, she stood up hastily, and walked out, with a rare expression of anxiety on her face.

"Bailifeng, bring back the things we want from the palace." After leaving this sentence, Su Qing had disappeared.

Just as Bai Lifeng was about to follow her away footsteps, she stopped in place, her long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyelids, and there was a hint of sadness in the depths of her eyes.

It was he who didn't want to serve her at the beginning, and it was also he who rejected Su Qing, but seeing more and more people around her, why does the apex of her heart throb from time to time?
 Rolling around like a baby: I want five-star praise and votes~
(End of this chapter)

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