Chapter 122 Walk With Me
Silently moved back, but the position was only so small, it was as if he hadn't moved, and he still leaned tightly on the back of the chair.

Su Qing stopped talking, with a smile in her eyes, she knew that Su Xuanchen didn't bother to touch her, so in such a close contact, Su Xuanchen would never dare to push her directly.

After all, to push her is to touch her, to touch her, and our sober-minded Master Su would not be willing to do so.

He lowered his body a little more, and the distance between the two of them was barely a hair's breadth away. Su Xuanchen tried his best to raise his head, the fist at his side was tightly clenched, what should he do if he wanted to pat her again?
Su Qing looked at his blushing and beating heart, oh my god, her girlish heart~
She could hide her heartbeat, but she couldn't hide the dimples at the corners of her lips.

With a deep voice full of temptation, Su Qing said softly: "Xiao Chenchen, accompany me to Qingzhou for my wife."

Su Xuanchen gritted his teeth, damn it, why is his heart beating so violently!

"No!" Righteously refusing, Su Xuanchen turned his head sideways, as if he didn't want to look at her.

Seeing his refusal without hesitation, Su Qing wanted to laugh, why not?It's not up to you!
She bent down slightly again, but Su Qing's blue hair bound by the jade crown suddenly fell off at this moment, Su Xuanchen's handsome face was suddenly covered by the hair, her cheeks were slightly itchy, and there was a burst of fragrance from her nose.

Su Xuanchen couldn't bear it anymore, and finally raised his slender fingers, covering Su Qing's shoulders tremblingly, the tips of his ears burned badly, but his face became more and more stern.

Pushing Su Qing away without hesitation, Su Xuanchen immediately stood up, just about to reprimand her...

Su Qing rushed over at this time, Su Xuanchen wanted to escape, but subconsciously covered his thin pants with his hands, the shadow Su Qing pulled his pants last time was too deep for him.

Unprepared for a moment, Su Xuanchen was thrown to the ground by Su Qing.

Then, deafening laughter rang above Su Xuanchen's head...

"Hahahaha...hahaha..." Su Qing originally just wanted to take the opportunity to steal the royal stick in his sleeve, after all, it hurts too much to beat someone.

But she didn't expect that when she rushed over, Su Xuanchen's first reaction was - pulling his pants! !
Unable to restrain her laughter for a moment, Su Qing sprained her foot and threw herself on Su Xuanchen.

The moment she came to her senses, Su Qing was already laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist, so naturally she didn't expect that she was still holding someone down.

Su Xuanchen's head was full of black lines, he felt the vibration of Su Qing's chest, his face was flushed for a while, and he also felt ashamed because of his behavior just now, his eyes were tightly closed, and he looked like he had nothing to love.

Su Qing lay on Su Xuanchen's body and laughed for a while before realizing the embarrassment at this time.

But instead of getting up, she stared straight at Su Xuanchen's eyes, and repeated again: "Accompany me to Qingzhou as my wife!"

"Get up!"

"Accompany my wife to Qingzhou!"

"Get up!"

"If you don't go, I'll kiss you!" Su Qing stared at him with sly eyes, as if if he said one more word, Su Qing would really dare to do that.

Su Xuanchen was stunned, and the two "get up" on his lips didn't say anything.

"Rogue!" His good manners allowed him to utter only one sentence in the end.

"Will you go?" Su Qing's eyes flashed, her red lips were pouting, and she was getting closer... It was about to...

Su Xuanchen's pupils constricted suddenly, and he did something that he couldn't think of in his life. The palm of his right hand suddenly opened, and he slapped Su Qing's small face.

Then, with a lift of both legs, Su Qing was hugged directly by the waist with his left hand, and then, quickly withdrew all his movements, and staggered towards the door.

Because the hem of the clothes was too long, Su Xuanchen accidentally stepped on it, and rushed forward...

Su Qing's heart trembled, and she was about to fly to catch him, but she saw Su Xuanchen crawling out quickly on all fours.

Su Qing: "..." What is your posture?

Down the stairs, Su Xuanchen slammed his face onto the ground, and then quickly got up, disappearing in a flash...

Su Qing was dumbfounded by a set of smooth movements...

 A concubine can't do such a thing as adding more...

(End of this chapter)

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