The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 123 Su Qing as a Demon

Chapter 123 Su Qing as a demon ([-])

Chun Yu and Xia He, who had just arrived at the door, also looked at Su Xuanchen's disappearing back with blank expressions.

Chun Yu murmured, "Is that person Zhengjun just now?"

Xia He shook his head blankly: "Probably not." The national teacher has always received gifts in a regular manner, and he has a cleanliness habit. He always likes to wear white clothes. The man in purple who ran in a panic, embarrassed, and unsightly posture may not be National Division.

Chun Yu seemed to know what she was thinking, and said with dull eyes: "I personally gave that suit to Your Highness."

This remark is to tell Xia He that that person is the national teacher, that's right!

However, Su Qing came out at this time, looking at them expressionlessly, with a bit of sullen expression between her brows.

Xia He was the first to react, and quickly pulled the stunned Chun Yu to her knees.

Unexpectedly, Chun Yu raised her head and looked at Su Qing stupidly, and asked, "Who was that person just now, Your Highness?"

She was so curious, she didn't want to believe that that person was Su Xuanchen, so she decided to risk her life to ask.

Su Qingqing coughed, brushed her long hair behind her chest, and said righteously: "Oh, I guess I ran to the wrong room."

The corner of Xia He's mouth twitched, ran to the wrong room?Your Highness, you have a level of lying, okay?
Piansheng Chunyu asked foolishly, "Your Highness, don't you know him?"

"do not know!"


As the words "don't know" fell, the door of the room was also closed.

Leaving Chun Yu alone, Xia He knelt in the cold wind.

The two looked at each other, stood up silently and left. They really shouldn't have come to look for His Highness at this time, and they saw something they shouldn't have seen...

When Su Qing returned to the main room, she lay down with her heart agitated, her head full of black hair, and there was a smile that could not be concealed in Su Qing's eyes that were as bright as water.

The dimples at the corners of her lips were getting deeper and deeper, what should she do if she suddenly wanted to take the few of them to live in a paradise?
Here, Su Xuanchen rushed back to his room like a gust of wind. His room was also in Haoyue Hall, only separated from Su Qing by a wall.

After closing the door, Su Xuanchen leaned against the door panting heavily, his heart beating violently, and the burning sensation on his face, all of which reminded him of what he had just done.

Sat down depressed, Mo hair fell to the ground again, Su Xuanchen buried his head in his knees.

Before today, he was thinking of waiting for Su Qing to ascend the throne to take her to see her master, and then travel around the world alone.

But why, at that moment just now, what he thought was that it would be good to live like this for a lifetime?
Su Xuanchen shook his head violently, what was he thinking, his eyes fell on his purple robe, Su Xuanchen stood up quickly, and walked towards the bed while taking it off.

No, Su Xuanchen, everyone knows Su Qing's fickleness, dogs can't change eating shit, isn't Jun Qian an example?

You can't let her lose your heart in a few words.

After making a secret decision, Su Xuanchen began to restore that cold and utter national teacher again.

The next day—

When the first ray of sunlight came in, Su Qing suddenly got up from the bed.

She had to go to Junqian, Junqian was a master brewer, and Su Xuanchen didn't want to go to Qingzhou with her, so she had to find a way.

After simply washing up, he ordered someone to keep an eye on Su Xuanchen, and Su Qing ran away in a hurry.


She just went in and found that Jun Qian had woken up early and was being groomed by two servants.

Seeing Jun Qian's sleepy look, Su Qing suddenly turned around.

Secretly annoyed, why did she forget that Jun Qian hasn't left the cabinet yet?
Jun Qian chuckled, and after being combed by the servant, he walked slowly behind Su Qing.

He hugged her lightly from behind and said, "Why is Sister Su coming here today?"

Su Qing's body was slightly stiff, but she still turned around and gave him a big hug. The two of them had breakfast together, and then they started talking about business.

"Little stammer, I heard you can make wine?"

 Five-star praise! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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