The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 124 Su Qing as a Demon

Chapter 124 Su Qing as a demon ([-])

Jun Qian nodded: "Well, what's wrong?"

Su Qing was overjoyed, and quickly asked: "Is there a kind of wine that smells like tea, but doesn't smell like wine at all?"

There is no way, Su Xuanchen is too smart, she has to plan carefully.

Jun Qian frowned slightly, lowered his eyes, tilted his head and thought for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Su Qing, a pair of dark eyes sparkled: "Yes, it's called Green Leaf Wine."

Green leaf wine?
Su Qing rolled her eyes, and a gleam of light flashed across her eyes. She didn't need to know how to make it, she just needed to know if it could be used tonight.

"How's the alcohol quality?" In fact, she wanted to ask, which one is better than Nurhong?
Because the wine she poured for Su Xuanchen last time was Nurhong.

"Alcohol is mild, but it can still be intoxicating." I don't understand why she asked, but Jun Qian answered honestly.

Although she didn't get the answer she wanted, Su Qing is still very satisfied as long as she is intoxicated.

He quietly hooked his hands at Jun Qian, and the two little heads were pressed together, and Jun Qian's surprised exclamation came from time to time, but in the end, the two reached an agreement.


High five for oath!

With eyes full of smiles, Su Qing lightly kissed Jun Qian's forehead and was about to leave.

Jun Qian panicked, stretched out his hand to hold her, approached her ear, and said quietly: " me again?"

Su Qing was taken aback, then raised her hand and rubbed his little head. Seeing Jun Qian looking at her a little aggrieved, she stopped and said, "Silly, I asked you to do it. If he hates it, he hates me."

"Then tonight, I told people to wait at the back door." Jun Qian had no choice but to say that.

Su Qing nodded with a smile, and said, "Remember to prepare the medicine for carriage sickness."

Jun Qian nodded obediently, her mischievous appearance was reflected in her star-like eyes.

Su Qing was slightly stunned, and Xiao stammered to look at her seriously, which is really unusual.

Sighing, Su Qing put her hands behind her back, turned around and left, her slightly quickened steps showed a joyful mood.

Just as Su Qing returned to Haoyue Hall, she saw Chun Yu and Xia He kneeling tremblingly in front of Su Xuanchen.

Su Xuanchen's outstanding figure became more and more upright, and he still had the same elegant appearance in white clothes, and there seemed to be anger between his brows.

Sure enough, last night was just an accident for Su Xuanchen.

"Yo, where is Zhengjun going?" Su Qing walked in with a smile on her lips.

In Su Xuanchen's wide sleeve, there was a golden stick. When Su Qing walked towards him, Su Xuanchen reached out and took it out, and silently took two steps back.

Xia He seemed to have seen the savior, and said quickly: "The Lord Zheng wants to leave, and none of his subordinates can stop him."

Su Qing didn't seem to see the broken stick, so she stood still behind Xia He and the two of them, pulled one up with each hand, then looked at Su Xuanchen, and said, "You guys, Zhengjun is tired of staying here, and wants to go back to Sujing It's also normal, not to mention that the East Palace is so big, doesn't it still need the national teacher to go back and preside over the overall situation."

Hearing this, Chun Yu and Xia He looked at her in bewilderment, master, that's not what you said in the morning.

These words naturally fell into Su Xuanchen's ears, and for some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Seeing that no one was talking, Su Qing said casually: "It's just that the palace has invited Jun Siyi and his wife tonight. It stands to reason that Zhengjun is here, so he should accompany the palace to entertain the guests before leaving. Don't you think so?"

Chun Yu and Xia He nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, yes!" What His Highness said was right, and what His Highness did was right, we have to obey.

Su Xuanchen's eyelids twitched, why did he feel that Su Qing was uneasy and kind?

But what Su Qing meant was that he wouldn't let him go today.

If he leaves forcibly, it is inevitable that Su Qing will make something wrong on the spot.

Su Xuanchen didn't think that he, who had regained his senses, could still defeat Su Qing.

So he readily agreed, said that he would leave tomorrow, and went back to his room.

 Ask for a ticket! !Ask for a reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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