The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 125 Su Qing as a Demon

Chapter 125 Su Qing as a demon ([-])

Intense surprise burst out in Su Qing's eyes, she stopped for a while and then returned to the room.

On the desk, a beautiful transcript was placed on it.

Su Qing stretched her waist, then walked over leisurely, sat on the desk, and began to read carefully.

Ye Wanren, Shangguan Yaner, Yun Yin...

Su Qing's eyes darkened slightly, as expected, Yun Yin also came to Quanzhou.

The daughter of the third family, as the heir of Patriarch Yun, how could she not come for such an important matter as Jun Huai'an recruiting relatives?

Now that Jun Huai'an has made a marriage contract with Ye Wanmin, and she has also made a marriage contract with Jun Qian, the mutual checks and balances of the four great families will soon be broken, and Patriarch Yun should be unable to sit still.

It's just that she not only plotted against Ye Wanmin, but also plotted against her?
Is this a bit off?

"Bailifeng." A cold voice sounded.

"The subordinate is here!" Baili Feng appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly knelt down in front of her.

Su Qing frowned, and said somewhat seriously: "Go to Jiuzhou and secretly find out who the Yun family has had business dealings with over the years, especially heavy weapons. .”

"Yes!" Baili Feng disappeared like a gust of wind.

Su Qing put down the notes in her hand, rubbed her eyebrows lightly, now it is the situation of the five kingdoms, Shuiyue Kingdom, Li Kingdom, Jin Kingdom, Lu Kingdom and her Great Su Kingdom.

That's right, the Great Su Kingdom is the weakest among the five kingdoms, which is why the Empress asked her to marry Prince Lishang and Jun Huai'an.

It was also the reason why Su Xuanchen...was willing to give up the position of Zhengjun.

Because today's Great Su Kingdom can no longer withstand any ravages of war, and the treasury is seriously empty, that's why she was asked to serve as an imperial envoy and went to Qingzhou to investigate the illegal salt incident.

The imperial court was in turmoil. Su Xuanchen was a man. Although he was highly valued by his mother, he was still her Su Qing's man. It was inevitable that Su Qiao and the villains would be jealous and make trouble secretly. Su Xuanchen was so stupid, but he still followed him. It's better around her.

It's just a pain for Qi Yue, who not only has to take care of the property under the name of the East Palace, but also has to deal with the temptations of those princes and daughters every day.

Whether it's the imperial court or the rivers and lakes, there are people who are eager to move in the dark. Su Qing will have a headache when she thinks of these things, but if she is timid, she may let others take advantage of the loopholes and hurt the person she loves.

With a faint sigh, Su Qing nestled her tired body into the recliner. It seems that the trip to Qingzhou must be resolved as soon as possible.

She wants to live a carefree life, but she also knows that in a high position, she can't help herself.

Let's wait for her to deal with this dream of a paradise.

Thinking about it, Su Qing fell asleep again in a daze.

When he woke up again, Shen Shi had almost passed, and it was half an hour before the family banquet started.

Su Qing hurriedly took a shower, changed into a set of elegant green clothes, combed a simple hairstyle, and wore a white fringed walk, making her look even more beautiful and attractive.

Nodding in satisfaction towards the bronze mirror, Su Qing walked towards the main hall.

"Your Highness, Sheng'an!" Just as Su Qing stepped into the main hall, all the people present knelt down and saluted.

Looking up, only that touch of white stood quietly in the middle of the crowd, looking so outstanding.

With a soft sigh, Su Qing no longer looked at him, turned her head and bent down to help Jun Qian up herself, then turned and said to the crowd: "It's just a family banquet, there is no need to be so formal, let's all be flat."

Leading Jun Qian to his seat, of course under our Great Master Su, Su Qing returned to his seat and sat down.

Su Xuanchen glanced at her indifferently, and sat down slowly.

 five stars! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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