The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 126 Su Qing as a Demon

Chapter 126 Su Qing as a Demon ([-])

Only now did Su Qing have time to take a good look at the father Jun Qian was talking about. His face was not too handsome, but he was not bad either. He looked very comfortable, with gentle brows, and he was not a man with a strong temper as Jun Qian said. .

"Father Jun, I would like to respect you. Thank you for teaching Jun Qian so well. It is cheaper for me to marry you." Su Qing glanced at Jun Qian without any trace, her red lips slightly raised, and she pointed her finger He raised his glass and spoke.

Qi Ming stood up, bent slightly, and said respectfully: "Your Highness, what's the matter, the child is stubborn, please be more tolerant in the future, Your Highness and Zhengjun." After speaking, he drank the wine in his hand.

"Grass people do first and respect!"

Su Qing couldn't deny it with a smile: "Father Jun is too modest."

The two put down their wine glasses at the same time and sat down!
Su Qing raised her eyes and saw that Jun Siyi was in front of Qi Ming, and she really didn't show her teeth and claws as before. Sure enough, behind every successful woman there is a man who silently supports her.

Thinking of this sentence, Su Qing unconsciously glanced at the white spot out of the corner of her eye.

But Jun Qian got up at this time, holding a wine glass and said to Su Xuanchen: "Jun Qian, these few days, Jun Qian did something that made everyone unhappy, today Jun Qian is here to apologize to Zheng Jun with wine, and I promise that I will not commit another crime in the future, and I would like to invite Zhengjun to give me a drink, Nian Junqian is the first offender, so don't blame Junqian again, Junqian should do it first as a respect!"

Su Qing stared at Jun Qian dumbfounded, this little stammer is not bad, this official accent is so smooth, even she feels a little ashamed of herself.

Just as Su Xuanchen was about to refuse, a lingering voice came from his ear: "Little Chenchen, you can't refuse~"

Su Xuanchen was expressionless, and lifted the teacup in front of him with his slender fingers: "My master is not good at drinking, so I will use tea instead of wine, and all the previous things will be wiped out."

After finishing speaking, Su Xuanchen drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, and bursts of fragrance came from the tip of his nose, making Su Xuanchen dizzy for a moment.

In fact, when Jun Qian carried him back to Haoyue Palace, he didn't take the past matters to heart.

Su Qing lowered her eyes, her fingers as thin as scallions trembled slightly, lest Su Xuanchen would find something wrong, Su Qing smiled and talked to Jun Huai'an: "I haven't wished the second young master a good wife and master yet, this glass of wine, I will toast you in advance You are with Miss Ye."

Jun Huai'an seemed ashamed, his handsome face flushed slightly, and he quickly got up to return the greeting: "Huaian is ashamed and dare not take it, Your Highness is magnanimous, it is indeed the blessing of your family and the luck of your humble son."

Hearing this, Jun Qian subconsciously looked at Su Qing. Su Qing had a smile in his eyes, and the two happened to meet their gazes, and Jun Qian blushed suddenly.

Su Qing chuckled lightly, in a good mood, and raised her glass to Jun Huai'an: "Second young master is over-reputed, and it is the blessing of this hall to have such a good husband." After finishing speaking, the two drank the wine in their glasses together.

These kind of greetings made Su Qing feel uncomfortable all over. She accidentally glanced at Su Xuanchen, only to see him drink another glass of green leaf wine with a frosty face.

Su Qing was slightly taken aback, Su Xuanchen would actually take the initiative to drink?Well, he didn't know it was wine.

But why did she feel that the breath around Su Xuanchen was getting colder again?
Perhaps his thoughts drifted away, Su Xuanchen didn't realize that Su Qing was staring at him for a while.

Just feeling depressed, he drank two cups.

After drinking for three rounds, Su Qing leaned on the back of the chair as if she had no bones, her eyes were slightly blurred, but she kept looking at Su Xuanchen.

Su Xuanchen's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were slightly confused. Why did the more he drank the tea, the more dizzy he became?
Su Qing lazily raised her wine glass, slightly hooked her red lips, and said softly, "Everyone gets drunk if they are not drunk!"

Jun Qian watched them quietly, ready to wait for Su Xuanchen to knock him down so he could pick him up.

Su Xuanchen's eyes sparkled, and when he looked at her, he was a little puzzled.

Su Qing's heart fluttered slightly, she quietly moved over, and said, "Have you been drinking?"

Su Xuanchen shook his head blankly: "No."

Immediately, holding the cup of green leaf tea, he looked sideways at Su Qing beside him and said, "I'm drinking tea."

Su Qing rolled her eyes, and her small thoughts began to make trouble again.Su Xuanchen, I want to hear you call me by my name, what should I do?
 Tickets are needed! !Please hit me hard with it!
(End of this chapter)

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