The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 127 Su Qing as a Demon

Chapter 127 Su Qing as a demon ([-])

Su Qing approached Su Xuanchen, and said solemnly: "You're still lying, you look so drunk, you can't speak clearly, and you said you didn't drink!"

Su Qing's words were precise, and she looked very dissatisfied, as if she was blaming Su Xuanchen for her lies.

Su Xuanchen frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the blue and white porcelain cup at his fingertips again. He picked it up with two fingers, and then took the initiative to pull Su Qing's left hand and put it in her palm.

"Taste it yourself." Then he withdrew his finger.

Su Qing's palms itched slightly, Su Xuanchen's fingers were a little cold, and she put down the teacup without any trace, Su Qing looked at his profile and said, "Then tell me who I am?"

The words in his ears were too familiar, Su Xuanchen thought of the matter of him calling her his wife softly in the East Palace in an instant, his face was slightly gloomy, and he didn't bother to talk to Su Qing.

Seeing this appearance, Su Qing also knew that Su Xuanchen was not completely drunk, because Su Xuanchen who was completely drunk was very obedient.

On the other hand, Jun Qian, with a few strands of blue hair hanging from his ears, tilted his head and said something to his father, drinking one glass after another on the table, but his whole body was still like a spring breeze, without the slightest discomfort.

Su Xuanchen's eyes were blurred, but he still saw Su Qing's gaze looking up at Jun Qian, feeling a little upset, he suddenly took the blue and white porcelain cup in front of Su Qing and drank another cup.

Su Qing was stunned, it was too late for her to get it back.

Just about to say something, Xia He walked up to her at this moment, presented a letter, and said, "Your Highness, a letter written by Qi Fangjun."

Su Qing had no choice but to give up talking to Su Xuanchen, and turned her head to take the letter. Qi Yue, it's been a while since I saw her.

Su Xuanchen's throat rolled, and his body didn't move a bit, but his peripheral vision fell into Su Qing's hands.

"My wife, after three months, it seems like a lifetime away. Several princes and daughters in the court fought openly and secretly. The eldest princess solved several major cases, and now she is very popular. There will be cats and dogs beating in the East Palace from time to time. Qi Yue can still handle it. Don't be worried. It's just that every night, I can't help but miss my wife and master, and express my missing with a letter." Rows of beautiful small characters jumped into the eyes, and after reading it softly, Su Qing's eyes slightly curved, leaving only It's really wrong to leave him alone in Su Jing.

Naturally, Su Xuanchen did not ignore the content of the letter, and seeing Su Qing smiling peacefully, he couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

She is so tolerant to Jun Qian and so gentle to Qi Yue, but why does Du Du always speak frivolously to him?

Su Qing suddenly felt a weight on her shoulders, and reflexively hugged the person beside her.

Xia He lowered her eyes, not being able to see what she shouldn't.

"Go and get the pen and ink!" Su Qing pulled him into her arms as usual, and ordered Xia He.

Jun Qian glanced at Su Xuanchen, and a smile flashed in his eyes. It turned out that the national teacher was exactly as Su Qing said. The daughter had one glass of red wine, and three glasses of green leaf wine.

He kept observing Su Xuanchen, and he really only drank three cups...

Looking at Su Qing, Jun Qian got up and sent his parents out, and even Jun Huai'an took a meaningful look at his younger brother.

Then he shook his head and walked out.

Su Qing embraced Su Xuanchen with one hand, and quickly wrote large characters on the white paper with the other hand.

"For my wife's well-being, Chengjun misses you, and I will return on New Year's Eve!"

After finishing writing, Su Qing quickly stuffed it into Xia He's arms and said, "Send it back to Su Jing!"

Right now, there are only her, Jun Qian, and an unconscious Su Xuanchen left here.

"Sister Su, I'll wait for you at the back door first." Jun Qian knew that he couldn't help much by staying here, so he had to leave first.

Su Qing smiled and nodded to him.

When the surroundings became quiet, Su Qing turned her head and looked at this heavenly man. For some reason, Su Qing fell in love with his current appearance.

Her brows were slightly frowned, her red lips were slightly pursed, and her delicate and beautiful facial features made her fascinated.

(End of this chapter)

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