Chapter 130
With just one sentence, Su Xuanchen was completely stunned in place, with a bit of confusion in his whole body.

The young woman's skin was already delicate, but just now when Su Xuanchen was angry again, the slap was not light, so Su Qing's left cheek swelled up quickly.

"Tell me, why did you come to Quanzhou?" Su Qing walked towards him step by step.

"And why did you jump down into the spring in a fit of anger when you found out that I was going to marry Junqian? And you ignored the fact that you can't swim?" Su Qing asked in a voice, and the distance between the two got closer.

"Yesterday morning, with your strength, you could have left, but why did you wait until I came back?" Su Qing raised his chin with a big palm, forcing him to face himself.

"When you were drunk, why was I the one you took the initiative to hug?" Su Qing's eyebrows were sullen, and she stared at him without blinking, as if she wanted to look into the depths of his soul.

Su Xuanchen, is it that difficult to admit that you are moved for me?
Su Xuanchen raised his hand, slapped her hand away, and said expressionlessly: "It is the empress's will that I come here!"

Su Qing laughed suddenly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes: "Su Xuanchen, don't you know your identity?"

There seemed to be anger in Su Xuanchen's brows, he gritted his teeth and looked at her, his voice was low: "Who is that person who doesn't know his identity?"

Su Qing looked at her, the anger in her eyes became more and more obvious, and the air seemed to freeze. Su Xuanchen, I have already reminded you that you are my righteous king. Since you have not understood this fact, I will teach you personally today!
Heartbroken, Su Qing dodged, and pulled Su Xuanchen directly into her arms, and instantly pressed her big palm on the back of Su Xuanchen's head, stood on tiptoe, and sent her red lips up.

Su Xuanchen scolded his head and covered his face: "If it weren't for you being the chosen one, we wouldn't have any intersection at all!"

After finishing speaking, Su Xuanchen shut his mouth abruptly!

Damn it, he was so mad at her that he lost all reason, and he almost said about the five-star Phoenix.

Su Qing's heart ached a little from these unfeeling words, but she was still sensitive to catch the key words, squinting her eyes and asked, "What is the chosen one?"

Su Xuanchen didn't want to say any more, so he turned his head and left, leaving Su Qing with a back view.

Su Qing's eyes sank slightly, her red lips were slightly pursed, Su Xuanchen, I don't care what you are hiding from me, but I will definitely make you unable to leave me! !

She is also angry! !
Su Qing took a deep breath, brushed away her hair that was blown by the wind, and looked at the river again, trying to calm down her restless mood.

Xia He and the others shrank their heads silently, and retreated quietly, lest they would harm Chi Yu.

Sitting in the cabin, Su Xuanchen raised his right hand unconsciously. Just now, he slapped Su Qing mercilessly on the face with this hand.

In the end, she was speechless.

Su Xuanchen's eyes were complicated. As the master said, Su Qing ascended the throne as the emperor, married five men who could protect the great Su country, and then brought Su Qing back to Wutong Mountain, and he could retire.

Phoenix five-star, the world is united!

The fingertips trembled slightly, master, tell me, how to control yourself, what is the direction of your heart?

"Zhengjun!" Xia He's voice sounded outside the curtain.

Su Xuanchen withdrew the thoughts in his eyes, straightened his clothes a little, and said, "Come in."

"This subordinate won't come in. This subordinate wants to tell Zhengjun that it's raining outside, so this subordinate will leave!" Xia He said this with embarrassment, and hurriedly retreated.

Just after the quarrel, Su Qing ran over cheekily and asked Xia He to come over and tell the national teacher that it was drizzling outside.

Xia He looked up to the sky and sighed: Your Highness, weren't you very proud just now?
Su Xuanchen looked confused, the sun was shining just now, but now it's raining?

(End of this chapter)

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