Chapter 131

He obviously didn't want to care about it, but Su Xuanchen walked to the window involuntarily, and took a closer look.

It is indeed cloudy today, but where is the rain?
However, there are a few drops of drizzle, and you can't see them unless you look carefully. Is this also rain?


After closing the window, Su Xuanchen turned around and lay down on the small bed, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Su Qing was standing on the deck, waiting and waiting, but she didn't wait for Su Xuanchen to come out.

Can't help looking suspiciously at Xia He behind him, and said, "Did you say it?"

Xia He burst into tears: "Your Highness, did you hear that just now?"

Su Qing looked up at the sky, it's not a problem that it's always cloudy, but you're giving me rain! !

Perhaps Su Qing's inner voice was too powerful. It didn't take long for the drizzle to gradually thicken, and waves appeared on the river.

"Xia He, Xia He!" Su Qing shouted excitedly.

Xia He rolled her eyes towards the sky, then silently turned her head and went to the cabin.

"Zhengjun." Xia He stood outside the curtain, bent down and called the people inside.

The dark guard on the ship also silently looked away.

"..." It was very quiet inside.

"Master, are you asleep?" Xia He continued to nod and bow.

"..." I don't know if it's Xia He's illusion, but it seems to be closer inside.

"Master, it's raining outside, Your Highness..." Xia He continued to work hard.

Bang - an unknown object flew towards Xia He.

Xia He flew up reflexively, avoiding the unknown object.

Su Qing and Xia He turned their heads to look down at the same time. An iron... iron basin was circling in situ...

The corner of Su Qing's eyes twitched, Su Xuanchen did such a thing regardless of his image?

Xia He also stood aside with the corner of her mouth twitching, Su Qing really opened her eyes.

She no longer believed in the appearance of the national teacher Qingfengmingyue.

Xia He has a mournful face, she seems to change with Qiu Shui, she can protect the young master, or stay in Quanzhou to investigate the case.

It's better than following Su Qing, who is a messenger every day, and his life is in danger from time to time.

The drizzle gradually became heavier.

The sound of thunder came from a distance, and the sound was loud, and after a while, the raindrops as big as beans fell and landed on the surface of the river, splashing a large amount of water.

It fell on the deck and made a "tick tick" sound.

It landed on Su Qing's body, and the light shirt on her body was quickly wet, outlining a perfect body curve.

The hair was also quickly wet, and a little bit stuck to the forehead, covering most of the eyes.

But if you look closely, you can see that the dimples on the corners of Su Qing's lips are shallow, and she is very happy at the moment.

He hurriedly ran to the deck and sat down, with his feet hanging down and his head lowered, looking world-weary.

The corner of Xia He's mouth twitched again, Your Highness, is your bitter drama really useful?

"National Teacher, Your Highness said that if you don't let her in, she will only be exposed to the rain." He quickly shouted to the people inside, and Xia He also hurried down.

Nonsense, she doesn't want to get caught in the rain.

"Master, you should go and have a look. Your Highness looks quite pitiful. Don't wait until Qingzhou arrives, His Highness will fall ill instead." Chun Yin appeared outside the curtain at some time, and also spoke good words for Su Qing .

Su Xuanchen was not asleep at all, of course he heard the loud thunder just now.

A flash of struggle flashed in Rushui's eyes, Su Xuanchen sat up unconsciously, but did not go out for a long time.

The big raindrops crazily hit Su Qing's face, not giving her any face.

Su Qing silently wiped the rain from her face, her journey to chase her husband is long.

Suddenly, she felt that her body was not so cold, and the rain didn't hit her. She caught a glimpse of the whiteness from the corner of her eye, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

Su Qing looked up and saw that Su Xuanchen was standing behind her with an oiled paper umbrella in his hand.

Su Xuanchen's thin lips parted slightly: "Get up!"

(End of this chapter)

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