The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 132 Su Qing's Thoughts

Chapter 132 Su Qing's Thoughts

Su Qing was obedient this time, with her hands on the deck, she stood up with strength.

Su Xuanchen looked at her angrily: "Why did you get up so quickly this time?"

Su Qing smiled awkwardly, and then said quietly, "It's cold outside."

Su Xuanchen's eyes fell on her red and swollen left cheek.

Qing coughed, and looked away awkwardly: "Go in!"

Su Qing smiled silly, and the two of them held the same umbrella and entered the cabin together.

As soon as Su Qing entered the door, she hurriedly untied her belt.

Su Xuanchen's eyes sank, and he turned around quickly: "What are you doing?" Damn it, he shouldn't have softened his heart and brought her in.

Su Qing acted as if she hadn't heard, took out the bank notes from her waist and chest, and put them on the table.

Only then did he quickly put on his wet clothes.

She didn't want to wear it at first, but unfortunately, if it was like this, Su Xuanchen would definitely be so angry that he would go outside to get wet in the rain.

She can't bear it.

"Okay." After saying something to the man's back, Su Qing turned around and spread out the banknotes one after another, hanging them on the table.

Su Xuanchen turned around, and when he saw her busy figure and the bank notes on the table, his face darkened again.

"Whose money is it?"

There was a chilly sound behind her, and Su Qing stopped suddenly. She just wanted to take out the money to dry it out, so as not to be useless in the future.

But she forgot that she stole the money from Su Xuanchen.

ah bah~
I took it by hand, took it!

Su Qing turned her head to look at Su Xuanchen, her big eyes flickered: "Well, we are husband and wife, what's yours is mine."

Mine is still mine.

Su Qing silently added a sentence in her heart.

Su Xuanchen had no expression on his face, and strode over directly: "Who is husband and wife with you!"

Dazhang was just going to get the money on the table.

But Su Qing's cold little hand grabbed it, and then quickly held down the bank note on the table with the other hand, and looked at Su Xuanchen with a smile.

"Use it for me, I will return it to you when I have money."

Feeling the slippery palm and the icy temperature, Su Xuanchen pulled his hand away suddenly, then sat on the small bed in the corner, closed his eyes, and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Seeing that she had finally escaped, Su Qing smiled wretchedly, and sat aside with her chin propped up.

She had to guard her money.

"Ah~" Xu Shi caught a cold, and Su Qing sneezed uncontrollably.

Rubbing the tip of her red nose, Su Qing rubbed her shoulders, and looked out the window helplessly.

When will the rain stop?
Su Xuanchen raised his eyelids and glanced at her, then quickly closed his eyes.

Time passed by like this, Xia He brought some food over and went out.

The clothes on Su Qing's body were also half dry, but the banknotes on the table were all dry.

Folding up one by one, putting them in her waist, Su Qing then turned to look at Su Xuanchen.

"Hey, get up and eat."

Su Xuanchen still closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't hear what she said.

Su Qing didn't force it, after all, she couldn't wake up a person who pretended to be asleep no matter what!

I simply ate some, then lifted the curtain and went out.

Su Xuanchen opened his eyes and stood up: "Pure Yin!"

After the words were finished, Chun Yin opened the curtain and walked out, bent down and put a delicate iron box on the table, and then stepped back.

Su Xuanchen opened the iron box, took out the special bowls and chopsticks inside, and sat at Su Qing's position just now, eating gracefully.

"Your Highness, go to the cabin and change." Xia He stood behind her holding a wooden tray.

It was always cool after the rain, and the breeze lifted her hair around her ears, covering her eyes.

"No need." Refusing lightly, Su Qing stood facing the wind with her hands behind her back.

What Su Xuanchen said was not that she didn't understand, but that she didn't want to go into the muddy water of the court.

But now, people in the entire Su country are watching her, and the Empress asked her to personally investigate the Qingzhou case, which has pushed her to the forefront.

(End of this chapter)

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