Chapter 137
Qi Yue wore a noble purple robe, and there was endless coldness in the depths of her calm eyes.

"Princes and daughters, I repeat, this is the East Palace, where His Highness the Empress Dowager lives. Except for the highest authority in the Su Kingdom, the rest of the people have no right to touch any plants or trees here!"

Qi Yue stood there quietly, like a bright red plum blossom in midwinter, it made people shudder!

Su Bo laughed out loud, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes: "Three sisters, if you want to occupy the magpie's nest, you have to ask the Queen Mother first, right?"

Qi Yue also laughed, Su Bo still had that poisonous tongue as expected.

The surrounding servants all lowered their heads, the words of the six princesses and the side lord were so deadly.

They are really afraid that the head on the neck will disappear one day.

Concubine Su Wen's face turned blue and then white.

Su Qiao and Su Yu also realized the seriousness of the matter. They really wanted to see how many guards there were in the East Palace, but they did so in the name of visiting the East Palace.

In the past when they came, Qi Yue would never see her behind closed doors, but today she managed to come in with great difficulty, only to realize that Qi Yue really has two tricks.

With just a few words, Su Bo was attracted to express their thoughts bluntly, and even more directly stated the fact that Su Qing was the future heir of the Su Kingdom.

East Palace! ! !

Concubine Su Wen secretly read these two words, her face returned to normal in an instant, she smiled softly and said: "Look at what Sixth Sister said, Fifth Sister is the hope of the entire Su country. Everyone knows, how could Big Sister not know..."

"It seems that the eldest princess knows her position very well, so I won't let you have dinner." Qi Yue bent down and opened her palm towards the door.

As if to invite someone.

Concubine Su Wen's smile was almost unstoppable, and she pulled the corner of her mouth stiffly: "Since this princess is so unpopular, I will leave."

"Please!" Qi Yue looked at her back and said something indifferent.

Concubine Su Wen slipped and almost fell.

Su Bo looked at Su Qiao and the two with a smile: "Will the two sisters stay for a cup of tea?"

Qi Yue remained expressionless and made a "please" gesture.

Really merciless.

Su Yu gritted his teeth with hatred, but was still dragged away by Su Qiao.

Before leaving, Su Yu almost stared at the two of them.

But Qi Yue lowered her head as if she didn't see it.

Su Bo waved his hands, looking happy to send them away, but also ignored the anger in their eyes.

After everyone had left, Su Bo slumped on the chair, looking hopeless.

Qi Yue walked over, poured a cup of tea for her with her slender fingers, and said gently between her brows, "Why did Sixth Sister go down the mountain?"

He remembered that Su Bo rarely went down the mountain, except for some important events in the palace.

Su Bo gulped down a large glass of water, and then said: "The fifth sister sent me a letter a few days ago, asking me to go back to Beijing. She is far away in Qingzhou, and she is afraid that the distant water will not be able to save the nearby fire, so she is a little worried. Brother Qi can't handle it."

Qi Yue was slightly taken aback...

Immediately there was a bright smile, although those people couldn't do anything to him, but after hearing what Su Bo said, he knew that that person still cared about him.

Su Bo rubbed his head, stood up and said, "Brother Qi, I won't stay in the East Palace any longer, but I will wait in Sujing until Fifth Sister returns and then go back to the mountain. I'm here, Big Sister and the others dare not touch you. "The little girl is only 15 years old, and she patted her chest to assure her, which made Qi Yue frowned.

"Aren't you going to stay for a meal?" Qi Yue asked with a smile.

Su Bo walked out while waving his hands: "No need, I'll go to the palace to take a look at Father and Eleventh Brother."

Qi Yue sent her to the door, just about to turn around and leave.

Seeing that Su Bo turned to him and said with a smile: "Bo'er found that brother Qi Yue has changed a lot."

Qi Yue smiled: "What changed?"

Su Bo tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "I don't know, I feel that Brother Qi is still the vigorous and resolute Brother Qi, but..."

The little girl frowned, seeming a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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