Chapter 138 Down
Qi Yue's eyes flickered slightly, her black eyelashes drooped slightly, but she stopped talking.

Su Po thought for a while, but finally he didn't say that sentence. Instead, he looked at Qi Yue and said seriously: "Pi'er thinks, Fifth Sister will like Brother Qi's current appearance more, so Por'er will leave first~"

When Qi Yue raised her head in astonishment, Su Bo had already mounted her own white horse and sped away.

In fact, what Su Bo wanted to say was that in the past, Su Yu and the others would have been kicked out by Qi Yue recklessly. But it was a little less ruthless than before, and a little more calm.

In Su Jing, which is in dire straits, it is really not easy for Qi Yue to stick to the East Palace alone.

Su Bo sighed, fifth sister, you should come back quickly.

Qi Yue's skin was already fair, but now that she was bathed in the sun, her air was even more dusty, and her whole person became more dignified.

But for some reason, there was a trace of desolation circulating in him.

Qi Yue shook her head, then turned and walked into the East Palace.

"Side Lord!" The dark guard knelt down and presented the letter.

Qi Yue was slightly stunned, he could tell at a glance that this was Su Qing's unique letter, because she had always loved plums, no matter whether it was a silk handkerchief or a simple letter, a plum blossom would be printed on it to show her affection.

Taking the letter with trembling fingers, he opened it carefully, and twelve small characters came into view instantly.

Watched it dozens of times.

Only then did Qi Yue put it into the lapel of her chest with great pity, restrained her beating heart, and ran back to the house in a hurry.

She called herself "wife". This is the first time she called herself a wife. Does this mean that she admitted it?Admit that I am her husband?
She said that she will come back on New Year's Eve, does that mean she still misses me?
The more Qi Yue thinks about it, her heart beats harder. Wife master, don't worry, I will definitely wait for you to come back.


As soon as Su Qing got off the boat, she took Su Xuanchen to Qingzhou City.

"Your Highness, I might have to go to Qingzhou City from here until evening." Chun Yin followed behind them and said calmly.

"Yes, why don't you go find a carriage?" Xia He asked.

Su Qing looked at Su Xuanchen who was walking non-stop in front, a smile flashed in her eyes, she ran up hurriedly, jumped up and bumped into his shoulder.

When Su Xuanchen looked at her indifferently.

Su Qing frowned, and her red lips parted lightly: "Husband, take a carriage~"

Su Xuanchen didn't speak, and walked away, obviously getting used to her thick skin.

Chun Yin smiled, and whispered: "In the past, the master didn't allow others to come within three meters of him."

Xia He also nodded silently: "Yes, indeed, our master is the most attractive."

Chun Yin smiled, unable to deny it.

Here, Su Qing bouncingly followed Su Xuanchen, smiling like a scorching sun in June, and she was very pretty: "Su Xuanchen, please call me a lady."

Su Xuanchen stopped abruptly, his deep eyes were filled with coldness, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Are you dreaming?"

Su Qing looked at his back as he walked farther and farther, glared at him secretly, and then ran over quickly.

Hearing the footsteps behind, Su Xuanchen didn't turn his head, she always did this.


Su Xuanchen bent his knees, his back was heavy, and he almost knelt on the ground.

Su Qing's beating voice rang in his ears: "In order to accommodate you, I have been walking for so long, and my feet are sore, so I will trouble my husband to recite it as a wife."

"Pfft..." The laughter from behind made Su Xuanchen blush, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

I have only heard of wives betraying their husbands, when did the husband betray their wives?
"Get down!"

Su Qing tightened his neck, and put her head behind his ear: "I don't, if you don't take a carriage, you have to be responsible for carrying me."

Being so righteous made Su Xuanchen's teeth itch with hatred.

 Starting tomorrow, the evening update is scheduled for ten o'clock.Because I'm still busy outside at eight o'clock, 555~
  Also, thank you for your rewards and long comments. After a busy day, I am very happy after seeing it~
(End of this chapter)

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