Chapter 144 Waiting for her
Warm moments often pass quickly.

No matter how much reluctance the two have in their hearts, when it's time to part, they should still part.

Su Qing let go of Jun Qian, squatted down, and stroked his face with delicate fingers: "Protect yourself, and wait for Sister Su to pick you up."

Jun Qian's eyebrows were gentle, and his eyes were bent: "Okay."

Only then did Su Qing burst into a bright smile, and then she reached out and took out a letter and a firework bomb from her chest, and handed them to Jun Qian: "Give the letter to Qiushui, she knows how to do it. As for the firework bomb , keep it for yourself, just release it..."

Su Qing stood up: "No matter where the world is, Sister Su will definitely come to find you."

Jun Qian's heart beat slightly, and he clenched the things in his hand.

Su Qing lowered her head and kissed him on the forehead again, then turned and left.

When Su Qing was about to open the door, Jun Qian suddenly stood up and called out in a panic: "Sister Su."

Su Qing turned her head, with doubts in her eyes.

Jun Qian smiled, and raised the fireworks in his hand towards her: "Jun Qian has no regrets!"

Su Qing froze for a moment, her eyes shone brightly, and the two dimples around her lips were sunken.

"Sister Su knows, take care of yourself." After giving instructions, Su Qing opened the door, and her beautiful figure quickly disappeared into the night.

The wind at night is always cold, but at this moment Jun Qian's heart is warm, staring blankly at the direction of her departure, Jun Qian's eyes are full of obsession that goes deep into the bone marrow.

In the middle of the night, Su Qing finally returned to the "Dragon Gate Inn". First, she found a place downstairs and took a bath. Then, with her wet hair, she went up to the third floor.

After walking to the door, Su Qing realized that the light in that room was still on...

Could it be that Su Xuanchen hasn't slept yet?
With doubts, Su Qing gently opened the door and tiptoed in.

Just after closing the door, Su Qing turned her head and saw Su Xuanchen's peerless face, staring at her without blinking.

Su Qing felt a little apprehensive for a moment, and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment: " haven't slept yet?"

After finishing speaking, Su Qing wanted to slap herself, did she not sleep for some reason?
Why is she now facing his wife like a husband who is looking for a mistress outside?
She thought Su Xuanchen would drive her out, but unexpectedly, Su Xuanchen just glanced at her indifferently and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Su Qing didn't understand the sudden change in painting style, but said honestly: "Not yet...not yet."

Su Xuanchen turned around and walked behind the screen: "Then come and eat quickly, the food will be cold later."

Su Qing stared at the tall figure with wide eyes as if she had discovered some new continent.

After reacting, the smile on the corner of his mouth almost cracked behind his ears.

Su Qing sat on the stool and tilted her head to look at the delicate dishes on the table. Su Xuanchen couldn't even cook the rice well, let alone stir-fry.

Therefore, these dishes should be delivered by Xiao Er.

Although it is not as steaming as it was at the beginning, it is still warm anyway.

Su Qing blinked her big eyes and looked at Su Xuanchen opposite: "Xiao Chenchen, how do you keep the food warm?"

Su Xuanchen's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he served her a bowl of rice, his thin lips parted slightly: "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep."


It's a no-brainer to ask.

Su Qing glanced at Su Xuanchen depressedly, then buried her head in her meal.

Suddenly, a small green thing appeared in the bowl, and a pair of crystal clear chopsticks retracted. Su Qing raised her head to look at Su Xuanchen with a puzzled expression. He would actually serve her food?

Although the sandwich is - green peppers.

Seeing Su Qing staring at him, Su Xuanchen finally became a little uncomfortable.

"If you don't like it..." Su Xuanchen stood up, and was about to take it away, but Su Qing covered the bowl with both hands to prevent him from taking it away.

"As long as it's given by Xiao Chenchen, even if it's poison, I have to take it." Su Qing looked up at him and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

 When will I give a five-star long review...

  Crazy begging for rewards and recommendation tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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