The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 145 Su Qing Gets Angry

Chapter 145 Su Qing Gets Angry
Most people in the world don't have any resistance to green vegetables, and they can eat as much as they want, and it's good for their health.

But there are [-]% of people who have serious allergies to some small vegetables.

And Su Qing is that [-]% person.

That's right, she is not afraid of anything, but the thing she is most afraid of is green peppers.

Su Qing picked up the green pepper with a half-smile, and was just about to put it in her mouth as if she were dead, when someone knocked it down with chopsticks.


Su Xuanchen slammed the chopsticks on the table, looked at her with sharp eyes, and said in a cold tone like February snowflakes: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat it, who will show such a reluctant appearance?"

Su Qing was a little stunned, and stared blankly at her fingertips, perhaps they had been beaten a little harder by the chopsticks, and they were already turning red.

Standing up, Su Qing looked at him with a calm face. She had been busy all night, and after coming out of the post station, she took advantage of the night to touch the so-called "Green Pavilion".

He waited for her to eat, and she was very happy.

But Su Xuanchen's erratic temper instantly raised her temper.

But when she looked up and saw his face was frosty and trembling all over, Su Qing still couldn't bear to get angry with him.

What else can I do with my own man?
pamper me~
Taking a deep breath, Su Qing opened her mouth and said stiffly, "I'm allergic to green peppers, and I'll get rashes all over my body if I eat them." In fact, what she said was mild, and she would be fatal if she ate too much.

Su Xuanchen was obviously furious, and also laughed at her clumsy excuse: "Are you allergic to this? Su Qing, I'm not a three-year-old."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Su Qing stretched out her hand to hold him: "I didn't lie to you."

Not only is she allergic to green peppers, she is also allergic to mangoes. Of course, there should be no such thing as mangoes here.

Su Xuanchen threw her away violently, and wanted to go outside.

Su Qing looked baffled, a man would come to a aunt... No, is there such a thing as a aunt?

Why did Su Xuanchen lose his temper all of a sudden?
In desperation, Su Qing pulled Su Xuanchen over and pushed him against the table.

There was seriousness in his eyes that he had never seen before: "I told you I didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, I can show you."

Su Xuanchen turned his face away and remained silent.

Su Qing suddenly felt a convulsion in her stomach. She was really tortured by this man and was going crazy.

Grabbing the green pepper in the small dish, Su Qing stuffed it into her mouth.

With her mouth tightly wrapped, Su Qing looked at him helplessly.

It's a pity that Master Su Daguo turned his face away and didn't appreciate it at all.

"Bah..." Su Qing spat out a mouthful of green peppers, why did she embarrass herself?

The anger in her eyes grew stronger, Su Qing stretched out her hand suddenly, tore off the tablecloth on the table, and then directly threw the person on it under Su Xuanchen's astonished gaze.

With a "bang", Su Xuanchen slammed on the table hard, and his white clothes fell to the ground, stained with oil.

Su Qing jumped onto the table suddenly, looked down at Su Xuanchen with a calm expression.

She deeply felt that Su Xuanchen was the kind of person who would take the tough but not the soft, the more she retreated, the deeper the defense in Su Xuanchen's heart.

The round table was too small, Su Xuanchen basically bent his whole waist down, even with his black hair hanging down, he was very angry for a while.

Just when she was about to kick her down, Su Qing grabbed him with quick eyes and hands, and her legs pressed against his side mercilessly.

Under Su Xuanchen's horrified eyes, he quickly clicked twice under his collarbone...

Su Xuanchen's body was so stiff.

"Su Qing, get off!" Su Xuanchen blushed.

Su Qing smiled charmingly, put her delicate fingers on her waist, bent down and said, "Tell me, what are you losing your temper?"

A stubborn person is going to do what he fears most!
Su Xuanchen frowned, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and the veins on his neck bulged: "Su Qing, how dare you!?"

(End of this chapter)

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