Chapter 146 Compromise
Su Qing smiled lightly, the dimple around her lips became more and more obvious.

"What do you think I dare not..."

call out--

The white belt fell to the ground under Su Xuanchen's horrified gaze.

Su Qing lowered her body and stared at him without blinking.

Su Qing's evil smile just fell into his eyes.

At this moment, Su Xuanchen knew that she was serious.

"Xiao Chenchen, do you want me to ask you a second time?" Although Su Qing smiled, there was no smile in her eyes.

The little hand was placed on his chest calmly, and the fingers curled up a white corner.

As long as he doesn't speak again, Su Qing has the ability to tear off his clothes.

It's not the first time anyway! !

Su Xuanchen's throat rolled, and one second before Su Qing was about to make a move, he closed his eyes and shouted: "I'm hungry!!"

With a slight pause on her fingertips, doubts flashed across Su Qing's watery eyes: "Are you hungry?"

Su Xuanchen tried his best to raise his head, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I'm hungry."

"Why don't you eat first when you're hungry?" Su Qing finally realized something was wrong.

Su Xuanchen couldn't move his whole body, his brows were wrinkled into a Sichuan shape, and a thin layer of sweat broke out from the tip of his nose.

" didn't come back..."

With a "bang", Su Qing's mind exploded in an instant, and she looked at this slightly shivering man in disbelief.

There was ecstasy in his eyes: "Are you angry because I came back late?"

Su Xuanchen pursed his lips a few times, but remained silent.

Su Qing continued to ask: "Is it because I went to find Jun Qian?"

Su Xuanchen opened his eyes to look at her, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, he turned his head away, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I am hanging in the air, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

It was only then that Su Qing discovered their current posture...

kind of weird...

Putting two fingers together, Su Qing quickly tapped his neck twice. Due to the impact, Su Xuanchen's head suddenly drooped.

Su Qing quickly caught him, and by the time Su Xuanchen came to his senses, he was already sitting on the table, and the magnified eyes in front of him were full of smiles.

"Su Xuanchen, are you jealous?"

Just now, Su Qing didn't feel pity for her, so there was a burning pain in Su Xuanchen's waist, which made him stare at Su Qing angrily.


Seeing his aggrieved look, Su Qing almost laughed out loud.

But the little hand still reached out to his waist.

Su Xuanchen shrank back in an instant: "What are you doing?"

Su Qing looked at him amusedly, her little hands unquestionably pressed on his slightly painful position, and rubbed him carefully.

Su Xuanchen's surprised eyes fell on his waist.

He thought she wouldn't find out...

Su Xuanchen suddenly wanted to look up at her, but just as he raised his head, his lips touched her...

A smile flashed in Su Qing's eyes, and the little hands around her waist pulled him closer...

Su Xuanchen's pupils widened slightly, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

Su Qing had a smile in her eyes, her long and dense eyelashes fluttered across his fair cheeks.

a long time--

Su Qing finally let him go, her red lips slightly raised, Su Qing smiled softly: "Xiao Chenchen, you didn't hide~"

Su Xuanchen raised his eyes to look at her, his hair was spread messily on the table, and his eyes flicked around, looking like a thousand things.

"If you have any thoughts in the future, just tell me directly. Don't lose your temper like this again. If I don't force you today, are you going to be bored like this? And then go back to the look of not getting close to strangers?" Su As Qing spoke, she bent slightly and straightened the messy white clothes for him.

Su Xuanchen lowered his head and didn't say a word in a daze.

But there was a touch of gentleness between those brows and eyes.

Su Qing originally wanted to pick up the white belt and tie it on for him, but when she thought of his cleanliness, Su Qing gave up this idea.

Naturally, Su Xuanchen was lifted off the table and put into the recliner, and Su Qing pulled away and left.

Just opened the door...

bang, bang bang...

Xia He, Chun Yin, Chun Shan, and several unknown secret guards fell at Su Qing's feet in an instant.

Su Qing's face instantly turned livid.

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(End of this chapter)

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