Chapter 148 Black Market
The faces of the six people instantly turned pale when they heard the words.

Poisonous Snake Valley, worthy of its name, thought of the densely packed poisonous snakes moving around on the ground, the six people's scalps went numb for a while, and their hands and feet stopped shaking so much.

Xia He's expression was serious, she felt that she could stand for a few more hours.

Su Qing took one last look at them, then turned and left.

The reason she likes them the most is that no matter how skinny they are, they dare not disobey her, whether it is Xia He who is by her side, or anyone else.

Su Qing raised her head and glanced at the sky. It was almost an hour before dawn.

Without looking at those six people, Su Qing flew away.

Walking back to the room on tiptoe again, Su Qing found that the candle lamp had gone out this time.

After closing the door, Su Qing walked lightly to the bed, opened the bed curtain, and quietly looked at Su Xuanchen through the moonlight coming in from the window.

The skin is finer than snow, the facial features are exquisite, and the face is stunning. It seems that he is really God's darling.

She has seen this face countless times, and she will never get tired of it.

Taking off her outer shirt and shoes, Su Qing lay on the outside, with a light wave of her hand, the bed curtain fell.

The entire bed was instantly plunged into darkness.

Su Xuanchen's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his body stiffened slightly.

Su Qing leaned over, put her arms on his shoulders mercilessly, turned sideways, put her right leg on him, and breathed evenly.

Su Xuanchen's stiff body gradually softened when the sky turned pale.


Su Xuanchen woke up in a daze, and subconsciously touched the person beside him with his palm, but it was cold.

The originally blurred vision immediately brightened up.

Su Xuanchen sat up and gently rubbed the position of his temples with his slender fingers. He didn't even know when Su Qing left.

Since when did he sleep so peacefully next to Su Qing?

This is a big taboo! !

As soon as he lifted the bed curtain, he saw that a set of white clothes had been placed on the table next to the bed, and everything was ready for washing and so on.

Su Xuanchen's eyes flickered slightly, there must be a sound when these things were brought in, and he didn't wake up?

black market--

Su Qing was wearing a black bamboo hat, followed by Xia He and Chun Yin.

It's just that the walking posture of these two people is indeed a bit weird.

Xia He secretly groaned, the soles of her feet really hurt too much.

Su Qing originally thought that the so-called black market was bloody and dark, but she didn't expect that after she arrived, there were many hawkers yelling on both sides of the street, the sound of carriages passing by, opera singers, jugglers, and many people coming and going, and the noisy voices could be heard. Su Qing frowned, this is obviously a busy market, how could it be a black market?
Qiu Shui said that the trading places were gathered in this area, but where exactly?

The three of them shuttled through the crowded streets, and Su Qing suddenly discovered a rule. Everyone here gets what they need, and they won't waste extra time doing other things at all.

After shopping, he left without staying for a while. It seemed chaotic on the surface, but everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Su Qing seemed to be walking aimlessly, but she glanced at all the shops one by one from the corner of her eye.

Suddenly, a lively voice came from the front: "Pass by, don't miss it, there is everything you need..."

Su Qing's eyes flashed, and she walked up quickly.

Xia He took a look at Chun Yin, what should His Highness do if he committed another old problem?
Regardless of the soreness in their arms and the pain in their palms, the two hurriedly followed.

Su Qing leaned on the pillar, gnawed on an apple she found somewhere, and stared intently at the person in front of her.

A bloated woman is beating gongs and drums to attract customers: "Pass by, don't miss it..."

Gradually, there were more and more people. Su Qing raised her eyes and saw that there were so many people coming and going that they all stopped.

Su Qing lowered her head and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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