The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 149 The Man With Purple Eyes

Chapter 149 The Man With Purple Eyes
Xia He and Chun Yin looked helplessly at the man lying on the tree.

They couldn't figure out why Su Qing liked climbing trees so much?
After thinking about it, the two of them stood neatly below her, watching the people passing by with their eyes wide open.

Su Qing lay on the thick branches very comfortably, but her eyes kept staring at the tightly wrapped black cage below.

She smelled a strong smell of blood, and she was sure that the scene inside would give these common people a visual impact.

Soon the crowd surrounded the place tightly, and their voices became higher and higher: "Boss Wang, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to hide like this."

"That's right, Boss Wang, what treasures did you bring today?"

"Boss Wang, don't be a fool, quickly pull away the black cloth..."

The bloated woman in front spoke slowly: "I know everyone has been waiting impatiently, but today is a good product, worth the wait!"

As she said this, the crowd became even more restless.

Su Qing frowned slightly, good stuff?What good?
Apparently, that Boss Wang had already calculated today's timing, and he walked slowly to the black cage when everyone was waiting impatiently.

Holding a corner with his fat fingers, under the eyes of everyone holding their breath, he quietly said: "Today's goods are all rare and good goods, starting at 1000 taels!"

Before everyone had time to complain, the black cloth was pulled down instantly, drawing a beautiful arc in the sunlight.

The iron cage was immediately exposed to everyone's sight.

"Hiss~" Gasps sounded one after another.

What is locked in the iron cage is none other than—a beautiful man!They were all beautiful men with blood on them, and they were looking at the wolf-like women outside the cage in panic.

Su Qing looked at the shivering man in the iron cage, and the corners of her eyes twitched. Have you ever seen this scene before?

In her memory, Su Qing also played this kind of game in the past. Putting people in iron cages and watching them kill each other would give her a sense of comfort from the bottom of her heart.

Thinking about it, Su Qing felt a chill in her heart, the original owner really deserved it for having so many enemies.

No wonder Su Xuanchen didn't like it.

I just don't know why Qi Yue would do this...

"Purple pupils? This bald man is actually purple pupils??"

Suddenly, the exclamation from below pulled back Su Qing's thoughts.

Purple pupil?Still bald?

Su Qing looked up, and a slightly thin man instantly appeared in her eyes. Even if he was covered in blood and in a mess, he couldn't stop his bewitching face.

The skin was as fine as porcelain, and the beautiful eyes were full of horror, like a frightened deer cowering in the corner, such a cute appearance made the woman outside the iron cage unable to control it.

The astonishment in Su Qing's eyes flashed past, she couldn't help but look a few more times, then nodded, this bald man fully proved:

Being beautiful or not has nothing to do with being bald or not.

What surprised Su Qing was that he was as beautiful as he was beautiful, and the people around him wished they could put their eyeballs on him, but no one bought him.

Yes, no one buys, no one cares.

Even though everyone looked at him greedily, no one bought him.

There were only ten men in the iron cage, and the rest were bought with a lot of money. That Boss Wang laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

It's just that as soon as his eyes touch the bald man, he will give him a vicious look, and after seeing the bald man shrink back in his arms with satisfaction, Boss Wang will continue to greet people with a smile.

Su Qing couldn't help but feel a little desolate. If she didn't travel through the country of women respecting women, wouldn't women's lives be so despicable?

Suddenly, the whispers from under the tree made her listen carefully again.

"It looks pretty good, but it's a pity that it has purple pupils..."

"Yes, if it weren't for this pair of purple pupils, maybe a rich man would have bought them back today, even if he was a servant, he wouldn't have to worry about food and clothing."

Everyone was sorry for his purple pupils, Su Qing's eyes flashed with doubt, what's wrong with purple pupils?

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(End of this chapter)

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