The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 155 Collective Rescue

Chapter 155 Collective Rescue
Qi Yue wanted to move his face away, but Su Yu's palms tightly restrained him, and he had no strength in his whole body, so he couldn't move at all.

Su Yu watched him struggling, and smiled happily: "Didn't you always look good because you are the side king of that bitch Su Qing? Now you can show me another one." !"

Qi Yue turned her face sideways with great effort, fell to the ground in embarrassment, and said out of breath, "You are not allowed to insult the wife-lord!"

"Heh~" Su Yu smiled ironically.

"Wife master? Your wife master is in Qingzhou at the moment, having a love affair with her master Su and the young master of the Jun family. What about you and me, but you are left alone in this Su Jing, who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, you Still don't know how to protect her?"

Su Yu raised his foot and kicked Qi Yue fiercely: "What a mean man!"

Qi Yue clutched her stomach, curled up in pain.

Su Yu stood up and stood with his hands behind his back: "Hang him up for me and beat him hard!"

"Yes!" With the cold female voice falling, Qi Yue felt her whole body being dragged up rudely.

Qi Yue was secretly annoyed that he was careless, so bear with it for now, and when the effect of the medicine wears off, he can rush out.

palace -

"Mother, please send troops to search the residences of the three sisters, Mother..." Su Bo knelt outside Su Huang's bedroom, kowtowing non-stop.

Zhao Shanggong walked over with some embarrassment: "Sixth princess, why are you bothering?"

Su Bo looked up at Zhao You, she was a celebrity beside the Empress, if she came forward, the Empress might agree to her request.

Su Bo hurriedly grabbed Zhao You, and said, "Zhao Shanggong, please go and ask your mother, Brother Qi has an accident, and Fifth Sister is not in Sujing, I have no military power in my hand, the huge Sujing city is full of people, I have no way of finding him."

Zhao You squatted down, with a troubled expression on his face: "Six princes, it's not that your slaves don't help you, it's because Qi Yue is just a side king, and you have no real evidence, so you just falsely accuse your sisters, Your Majesty..."

Su Bo was so anxious that tears were about to come out. It was her fault. She forgot how vengeful her sisters were. Their limit is reached.

Rui Sui came in a hurry wearing a good brocade robe, when he saw Su Bo, his eyes were distressed: "Bo'er."

Su Bo turned around with a helpless expression: "Father, I..."

Rui Sui knelt down and handed over the token in his hand: "Don't say anything, Father already knows the ins and outs of the matter, here, this is your grandmother's token to order the three armies, the horse is outside the palace gate, you go to your grandmother quickly Then, let people block Su Jing first. As for Qi Yue's whereabouts, don't go to the eldest princess, she can't do such a mindless thing, as for your mother, it is enough to have a father, understand?"

The reason why Rui Sui saved Qi Yue desperately was because Su Qing's father and queen had a deep friendship with him. Without Su Qing's father and queen, he would not have been able to give birth to Su Bo safely.

Since Qi Yue is the husband of an old man's daughter, he should come to the rescue.

Su Bo stared blankly at the military order in his palm, feeling that his hand was as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold for a moment, with tears in his eyes, Su Bo nodded and flew away.

Su Qiao, Su Yu!
They are currently the most likely people!
Because no matter what mistakes they made, they are the daughters of the empress after all, and the empress will not give them death penalty for a man!

At most, it's just confinement, but with their sister's vengeful heart, they are not afraid of the empress' questioning at all!

Su Bo was secretly annoyed, she was careless!

Dongxue just returned to the East Palace at this time, and after running around for several days, she wanted to come back and get something that belonged to her.

But when he saw the servants of the Eastern Palace walking out in a hurry, Dongxue's eyes flashed, and he directly grabbed a waitress.

"what happened?"

The waitress quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter to Dongxue, a tangle flashed in Dongxue's eyes, but she thought of the man dressed in white and said to her with gentle eyes: "Dongxue, human nature is kind."

"Go and tell the sixth princess to come and find me in the third princess's mansion!" Dong Xue said quickly, and flew away.

 Recommended ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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