Chapter 156

The Palace of the Three Kings——

Su Qiao hurriedly led people here, sweat was already breaking out on her delicate skin.

"Where's Su Yu?" Su Qiao grabbed a servant and asked angrily.

"Dark... dark prison."

Su Qiao quickly let go of the servant, and walked towards the dark prison.

Damn it, Su Yu, are you trying to kill me and my father?

Halfway through, Su Qiao and Su Yu bumped into each other head-on, Su Qiao stopped, with an ugly expression on his face: "Stand back!"

The servants around quickly lowered their heads and left in a hurry.

Su Yu calmly looked at the furious sister, and said, "Why are you here?"

Seeing that she was so unrepentant, Su Qiao resisted the urge to slap her to death and asked, "Did Qi Yue be captured by you?"

Su Yu glanced at her indifferently, and replied casually: "Yes, is there any question?"

Su Qiao's face became even uglier, and her tone suddenly raised: "Do you know that this matter has already been brought to the Empress by Su Bo!"

Su Qiao looked at Su Yu firmly, thinking that she would improve a little bit, but Su Yu just picked out her ears and said nonchalantly, "So what if you make trouble with the Queen Mother? Could it be that you can kill me?"

Su Qiao had a look of hating iron but not steel: "Qi Yue is the son of Yushi Zhongcheng. If you touch that iron rooster's son, will she let you go?"

Su Yu's fingertips trembled slightly, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and he remained silent.

"It's not that you don't know about Su Bo. Now her father is very favored in the palace. If you are like this, where do you put our father?" Su Qiao grabbed her wrist suddenly and went straight to the dark prison. go.

Su Yu frowned slightly, and shook her hand away: "I will take responsibility for what I do myself."

Su Qiao only felt that what she had said to her was useless, so she lowered her gaze, and Su Qiao looked at her quietly: "Su Yu, the Queen Mother will indeed not kill you, at most she will put you in confinement, and will not want you Fate, but have you ever thought about our father?"

Su Qiao raised her head abruptly: "What does this have to do with father?"

"It was already difficult for him to move in the palace, but now, you dare to falsely convey the holy will, do you think the empress will not blame the father?"

Su Yu stared at her blankly, unable to say a word.

"Listen to my sister, send Qi Yue back immediately, we insist that we don't know anything, anyway, no one knows that Qi Yue is here now."

"But..." Su Yu wanted to hesitate again.

"Nothing to worry about, I have already prepared the carriage..."

"Prince, princess..." The maid scrambled and rushed in front of them.

"What's going on?" Su Yu suddenly felt that things were out of her control.

"Dong... Dongxue broke in..."

Su Qiao's heart trembled, and the two quickly looked at each other, the people around the national teacher?Didn't you go to Qingzhou?

Dongxue is back, does it mean that the national teacher and Su Qing are also back?

Su Yu obviously thought of the beating he received in the East Palace, and his expression turned ugly for a while: "Qi Yue, I can't stay!"

Su Qiao's pupils shrank, and she stretched out her hand to hold Su Yu's back who was about to leave: "What are you going to do?"

Su Yu shook off Su Qiao's hand, and quickly ran towards the dungeon: "Death has no proof!!"

Su Qiao's expression changed, she stomped her feet fiercely, and then went to the front hall.

Dongxue was dressed in a snow suit, standing with her hands behind her back, a stern look on her elegant and refined face: "I'll say it again, if Su Yu doesn't hand over Mr. Qi Fang today..."


Dongxue shattered the round table with one palm, and sawdust flew into the room. Her face became more and more serious: "I lifted Su Yu's roof!!!"

Su Qiao just heard this sentence, her face turned green and pale, and she walked in with a smile: "What's wrong with Miss Dongxue, why are you so angry..." Temper?
(End of this chapter)

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