The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 157 Another Amazing Scene

Chapter 157 Another Amazing Scene

Before he finished speaking, Su Qiao felt his eyes darken, and then he was lifted up by the neck.

"Dongxue, are you going to murder the princess?" The guards pointed at her with spears, everyone's eyes were full of vigilance.

Dong Xue sneered, her face twisted slightly, and her fingers became more and more forceful.

"Uh..." Su Qiao rolled her eyes towards the sky, and really felt the breath of death at this moment.

"This is a serious crime against the Nine Clans!" the leading maid yelled hastily.

Killing the Nine Clans?
Dongxue chuckled, she has no father or mother, so where did she come from?

Even the person she's been thinking about all along doesn't want her anymore.

"I'm not afraid of anything, go and tell Su Yu that Mr. Qi Fang lost a hair, and I'll make Su Qiao pay for it with his life!" Dong Xue's face became more and more distorted, and her voice was extremely cold.

"All right, don't move, I'll go find the princess..." The maid left in a hurry.

Only then did Dong Xue put Su Qiao down, but her five fingers were still tightly restraining her neck.

Su Qiao coughed violently, her entire face flushed.


The sound of uniform footsteps came from all directions, Qi Yang and Su Bo led the soldiers to surround the Three Princes' House.

"Woof, woof..." The wolf dog barked from far to near, and Su Qiao's face turned pale.

That spiritual dog raised by Qi Yang?
A smile flashed in Dong Xue's eyes, Su Bo is a girl who really has a lot of tricks.

The two stepped into the threshold together, and when they saw Dongxue pinching Su Qiao's neck, the two chose to ignore it tacitly.

"Did you find my son?" Qi Yang pulled a large wolfhound and stared at Dong Xue fixedly.

Dongxue shook his head: "I can't find any results."

Qi Yang's face darkened, and he patted the wolf dog beside him: "Puppy, go, look for Yue'er..."

After the words were finished, the huge wolf dog ran towards the backyard, Qi Yang's expression changed, and he hurriedly followed.

Su Qiao's eyes darkened, she suddenly broke away from Dong Xue's fingers, opened her hand and quickly hit her.

She has endured enough, a majestic princess, being forced to this point by a lowly servant, does she really think Su Qiao is easy to bully?

Dongxue's expression straightened, and she hastily and concentratedly fought with Su Qiao one move at a time.

Su Bo just took a quick look at them, and quickly chased in the direction of Qi Yang.

Outside the prison—

The huge wolfhound was crawling at Qi Yue's feet, while Su Yu's group were lying on the ground crying in embarrassment.

When Qi Yang rushed over, what he saw was Qi Yue's powerful aura, dressed in green clothes, her black hair raised without wind, and her sharp eyes.

Su Bo arrived just in time, and the moment she saw her third sister lying on the ground crying out for pain, her complexion quickly darkened.

She was kowtowing and dispatching soldiers. After suffering so many crimes, when she rushed here with all her might, Su Yu had already been beaten with a black nose and a swollen face?
Didn't she suffer in vain?

Glancing at Qi Yue with a bit of mourning, the little girl sniffed, and said with some pain: "Brother Qi, can you not solve it so quickly?"

Qi Yue smiled softly. It's strange to say that maybe Su Yu, a fool, didn't take the medicine hard enough. Just as he was about to be beaten, his internal strength recovered by [-]% to [-]%.

With his martial arts, dealing with these minions is of course not a problem.

"Today, Yue'er made mother worry. Yue'er was at fault." Qi Yue lifted her robe and knelt down, even though she was a little embarrassed, the arrogance in her bones was hard to ignore.

Qi Yang walked over quickly, and helped Qi Yue up with a smile in his eyes: "Sure enough, he is indeed my son of Qi Yang, dare to love, hate, and dare to rush!"

Qi Yue was not so relieved, he was not hitting someone else, but a king's daughter.

Qi Yang seemed to know what his son was worried about, and quickly patted his chest to promise: "Son, don't be afraid, mother will support you when the sky falls, go, come home with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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