The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 158 Keeping the East Palace

Chapter 158 Keeping the East Palace
Qi Yue bowed her head and said respectfully: "Mother, please forgive me, Yue'er can't go back with you."

Qi Yang frowned, and looked at Qi Yue with some dissatisfaction: "Now His Highness is not in Beijing, you go back with your mother first, and when His Highness returns to Beijing, it will not be too late for you to return to the East Palace."

"Yes, brother Qi, you can go back with Aunt Qi, you stay in the East Palace alone, no matter how good your martial arts are, it is inevitable that someone will take advantage of your loopholes." Su Bo took a step forward and followed Qi Yang to persuade Qi Yue.

Qi Yue glanced at Su Yu and the others who were constantly howling on the ground, lifted her robe and knelt down in front of Qi Yang, kowtowed and said, "Mother, you have also seen that the third princess can't stand me at all, besides, the son promised his wife the master, I will be with you in the future." Donggong, wait for her to come back!"

There is a flash of longing in Qi Yue's eyes. I am afraid that she will come back and not see me, so she will be worried.

Qi Yang was shocked all over, staring blankly at this son-in-law who has been in love since childhood, she originally thought that Qi Yue just liked Su Qing.

She never thought that Qi Yue's love for Su Qing was so deep.

Su Bo suddenly stepped forward and pulled Qi Yue up: "Brother Qi, what are you thinking? Your life is more important!"

Qi Yue took a step back indiscriminately, her brows were gentle, but her tone was unquestionable: "The East Palace is more important!"

Qi Yang hates iron for being weak: "No matter how important the East Palace is, it's just a cold palace. Its master is not here, so why do you want to be brave?"

Qi Yue looked up at his mother, her thin lips slightly parted: "Mother, she will come back."

Qi Yang was annoyed for a moment when he saw his reticent appearance: "If you are killed by someone in the future, don't say that I, a mother, won't save you." Then, he walked away.

Su Bo looked at him helplessly: "Then I will send Brother Qi back."

Qi Yue nodded and followed Su Bo's footsteps.

Su Yu lay on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain, sweating all over his body, unable to speak a word.

Closing his eyes, Su Yu tried hard to remember this pain.

Qi Yue, today's pain, tomorrow, I will pay you back twice as much! !


Su Qiao hit the ground hard, spitting out blood.

Dongxue withdrew his hand handsomely, and lowered his head to look at Su Qiao's embarrassed appearance: "Su Qiao, I, Dong Xue, is the one who beat you today. If you want revenge, come here, but you and Su Yuruo will do it again. People in the Eastern Palace, I am not afraid of being punished for the crime of killing the Nine Clans!"

After finishing speaking, Dong Xue walked away in a flick of her sleeves, implying that she would directly tell Su Qiao that if she touches Qi Yue again, she will finish her with her own hands.

"My lord, my lord..." The maids ran over quickly and helped Su Qiao up with all their might.

"Bah," Su Qiao spat out a mouthful of blood, and then pushed everyone around her away.

"Useless trash, get out!" The image of hiding a knife in a smile in the past can no longer be hidden at this moment.

The maids suddenly knelt down, shaking like sieves.

Su Qiao clasped the wooden table tightly with her fingers, her fingertips turned white, and stared fiercely at Dong Xue's leaving back.

"Bitch!!" With a bang, Su Qiao slapped the wooden table down with his bare hands.

The servants were startled by the roar, and quickly prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to say any more.

East Palace——

Su Bo and the others finally came back here, Qi Yue looked up, and Dong Xue had led the entire Eastern Palace to kneel outside the hall: "Welcome the king back to the palace!"

The voice resounded through the sky.

Su Bo's originally mournful face finally burst into a bright smile at this moment: "Brother Qi, I'm relieved now."

Qi Yue nodded, got off her horse, bowed to Su Bo respectfully and said, "Thank you, Sixth Sister, for saving my life."

Su Bo hurriedly jumped off the horse, and helped Qi Yue up with some panic: "Don't, don't, I can't stand your bow."

"You are fifth sister's husband, and since you are also my second brother-in-law, they are not here now, so it's only natural for me to do this."

Qi Yue smiled lightly, turned around and stepped into the East Palace without hesitation.

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(End of this chapter)

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