The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 159 White Clothes or Black Clothes

Chapter 159 White Clothes or Black Clothes
It's night, Qingzhou, the back door of the Dragon Inn——

Su Qing looked at Su Xuanchen with some headaches, rolled her eyes silently, and said, "Su Xuanchen, do you know what we are going to do?"

Su Xuanchen stood there in white clothes, and when he heard the question, he turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "Investigate the case!"

Su Qing strode up to him and looked up at him: "It's the middle of the night, you have to look like an investigator, you know?"

Su Xuanchen looked down at her with faint doubts in his eyes.

Xia He and the others silently looked up at Su Xuanchen, then quickly lowered their heads.

The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, and she stretched out two fingers to pick up his wide sleeves: "There is nothing wrong with investigating cases in the middle of the night, but have you ever seen someone wearing white clothes when investigating cases in the middle of the night?"

Su Xuanchen was taken aback, and subconsciously looked down at the white clothes on his body, then at the night clothes Su Qing and Xia He were wearing, and frowned slightly.

"Su Xuanchen, are you here to investigate the case or to scare people?" Su Qing said jokingly.

Su Xuanchen's face darkened, and he looked at her coldly, without saying a word.

Su Qing sighed, and walked around Su Xuanchen twice: tall and straight, with a handsome face, not bad.

"However, those women who are like wolves and tigers probably have never seen such a beautiful male ghost, do you think so?" Su Qing turned to look at Xia He and the others.

Xia He raised her head and was about to say yes when she met Su Xuanchen's cold gaze, the smile on the corner of her mouth froze instantly, and she silently lowered her head.

Su Qing curled her lips boredly: "Go back and change your clothes."

Su Xuanchen looked at her, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't have black clothes."

Su Qing glanced at him in surprise: "You don't only have white, do you?"

Su Xuanchen originally wanted to say that there is another set of purple, but when the words came to his lips, he only said: "Yes."

Su Qing didn't know what to say for a while, she had never seen anyone who only wore one color of clothes.

Su Xuanchen is really a weirdo.

Turning around, Su Qing looked at Chun Shan: "Do you still have black clothes?"

Chun Shan quickly shook his head, nonsense, even if he had one, how could the national teacher wear him?

"I have it here!" Just when Su Qing wanted to keep Su Xuanchen here, a familiar voice came.

Su Qing turned around in surprise and looked, Jun Qian was dressed in black, walking towards her with a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

Su Qing looked at Jun Qian with some surprise: "Little stammer, why did you come?"

Before Jun Qian could speak, Su Xuanchen said lightly: "Jun Qian has a photographic memory."

Never forget?

Su Qing looked at Jun Qian in disbelief: "It seems that I picked up a treasure."

Jun Qian lowered his head and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Su... Sister Su said... I was joking."

"Su Qing, how little do you know about us?" Su Xuanchen glanced at her and said.

With a cold face, Su Xuanchen reached out to Jun Qian: "Where are the clothes?"

Jun Qian came back to his senses, and then took the brocade box from the hand of the servant, bent down and handed it to Su Xuanchen: "This is newly made by the tailor shop, the national teacher should quickly change it."

Su Xuanchen took it and went back to the room.

Su Qing then looked at Jun Qian and said, "Little stammer, how do you know that Su Xuanchen is not wearing black?"

Jun Qian glanced at her with some reproach: "Sister Su, the national teacher only wears white clothes. Even I know this, can't Sister Su think of it?"

Su Qing silently glanced sideways at Xia He and the others, unexpectedly Xia He and the others lowered their heads in unison.

It seems to say: This is a well-known thing.

Su Qing looked at Jun Qian with some embarrassment: " memory is not very good."

Jun Qian sighed helplessly, and said, "The national teacher is right, Sister Su, how much do you know about us?"

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(End of this chapter)

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