Chapter 160
Su Qing raised her head with a smile: "Sister Su just has a bad memory, no, did Little Stutter come to save Sister Su?"

Jun Qian was amused by her cheeky remarks.

"Sister Su always looks like this." Jun Qian glanced at her coquettishly, and complained softly.

At this time, Su Xuanchen had already changed into a black outfit and walked out slowly.

Su Qing glanced at it inadvertently, and couldn't take her eyes away anymore. Perhaps the clothes fit too well, and it directly outlined Su Xuanchen's lean figure. His black hair was tied up with a jade crown, his eyebrows were sharp, and his lips were thin. Slightly sipping, a feeling of sacrosanct.

Black clothes can also wear such a holy appearance, Su Qing suddenly wanted to know if this fairy-like man, if he was contaminated with the mundane world, had the seven emotions and six desires, would his cold face still have the same dead fish face? ?
"Let's go." Seeing that everyone was wearing uniform night clothes, Su Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave the order.

"Wen Ziyan."

A slightly thin man came out from behind Xia He, bowed respectfully and said, "Master."

Su Qing glanced at him indifferently, then withdrew her gaze: "Lead the way ahead."

"Yes!" Wen Ziyan replied mechanically, neither sad nor happy, like a puppet without emotion.

Immediately, with a leap, Wen Ziyan headed straight to the southwest.

With a flash in Su Qing's eyes, she quickly pulled up the scarf, wrapped Jun Qian with one hand, and followed closely behind.Jun Qian only knows some three-legged cat kung fu, light kung fu can't run long distances at all, at most he can deal with some minions, and they are busy on the road, so it is only faster for her to take him personally.

Su Xuanchen glanced at them, and silently flew up to follow, followed by Xia He and the others.

After walking for about an hour, Wen Ziyan finally stopped behind a pile of tall grass.

Su Qing put down Jun Qian, strode towards him, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Seriously guarded." After saying these four words, Wen Ziyan signaled Su Qing to look forward.

In front of a dilapidated gate, there are two crooked stone lions covered with various spider webs. Looking up, the four characters "green mountains and green waters" come into view, but the plaque has been split from the middle, But still hang firmly on it.

There was no sound of insects around.

Obviously, Su Xuanchen and the others also realized that something was wrong at this moment, and they all lowered their bodies.

Of course, our Grand Master Su frowned a long time ago when he saw that the so-called "green mountains and green waters" were not only dilapidated, but also so dirty.

There is too much dust there, and he must have come out with a layer of dust in the past.

Su Qing's eyes were heavy. Although there was no one there, they could all feel the unusual aura around them. I'm afraid there were many people guarding there.

She couldn't figure it out, who had such a big money, and even spent so much money on a dilapidated villa.

"But there are other ways to get in?" Su Qing frowned and asked Wen Ziyan.

"Then there is only the dog hole in the north corner. There are many people patrolling inside. As long as you go in, you will be found out quickly, and there is no time to hide." Wen Ziyan lowered his head and explained to Su Qing in detail.

Su Qing was a little angry: "Why didn't you say these things earlier?"

Wen Ziyan didn't seem to feel Su Qing's blame, so he said calmly: "You didn't ask me."

Su Qing: "..." She thought it was just a ruined villa, and with their martial arts, sneaking in would be a no-brainer.

She never thought that there were hundreds of people she could feel outside, let alone inside.

"Besides, only female customers are served here." Wen Ziyan added in a bland manner.

"What do you mean?" Su Qing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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