Chapter 161
"Because this is the largest salt factory in Qingzhou, there will definitely be business contacts, and every time people who go in and out of the green mountains and green waters are women." Wen Ziyan still explained calmly.

Su Qing was a little strange: "Why?" Could it be that the owner of the green water and green mountains has some shady habit?

This time, Wen Ziyan looked up at Su Xuanchen and Jun Qian, then bowed his head and said, "Because there are all women inside, and most of them are desperate people, hired by the owner of the salt factory with a lot of money from the world, and none of them have husband husband."

Su Qing's face darkened, was she afraid that if the man went in, there would be chaos inside?
"Why do you know this?" Su Qing finally looked at Wen Ziyan slowly.

Wen Ziyan lowered her eyes, opened her skirt without saying a word, and the inverted triangle brand on her chest was imprinted in her eyes.

"This is?" Su Qing knew she couldn't look at it, but she still couldn't help but take a look.

Wen Ziyan straightened his clothes and said in a low voice, "I used to be a member of the mercenaries."

"Will they let the mercenaries leave?" Su Xuanchen narrowed his phoenix eyes and asked calmly.

Wen Ziyan looked at him. Two equally handsome people met at this moment. If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Su Qing really wanted to make a good comparison. Who is more beautiful?
"No, the escapee—die!" Wen Ziyan took the lead to look away.

"Then how did you get in, and how did you get out?" Su Xuanchen persisted and asked again.

He used to be very good at divination, but now, as long as he has a relationship with Su Qing, he can only divination his name.

This made him wonder why for a while?
Wen Ziyan glanced at him indifferently, and said, "What's the matter with the national teacher?"

Su Qing secretly glanced at Su Xuanchen, um, her complexion became even darker.

"You can go in pretending to be a caravan, as long as someone recommends you." Wen Ziyan stopped looking at Su Xuanchen and turned to Su Qing.

"Who do you want to recommend?" Su Qing asked.

"Me." Wen Ziyan said.

"You?" Jun Qian was a little puzzled, aren't you a mercenary?
"I can disguise myself, and I know what Yu Hai looks like."

"Who is Yu Hai?" Su Qing was stunned again, she found that Wen Ziyan really made people itch with hatred.

You can talk to her about these things in the inn, but if you have to talk here against the night wind, the weather is already cold in autumn, and she herself is shivering a little.

Su Qing especially wanted to know, did he do it on purpose or not?
Could it be that he is still useful, and if she came tonight with the intention of inquiring first, Su Qing would really regret buying him back.

Wen Ziyan: Sorry, I did it on purpose.

"A big merchant should come here to do business at noon tomorrow. We just need to stop her on the necessary road just now, and then we can sneak in without anyone noticing."

"Then we can't get in today?" Su Qing asked Wen Ziyan with an ugly expression.

Wen Ziyan looked at her calmly, without any emotion in his eyes: "Find someone to distract them, and the rest, go to the dog hole."

Su Qing: "..." Going into a dog hole?She has a noble status, is it something she can do to drill a dog hole?
But Jun Qian quickly expressed his opinion: "Sister Su, don't feel ashamed, at worst Jun Qian will drill with you."

Su Qing looked at him bitterly: "Little stammer, can you be a little bit promising?" We have other ways to get in, why do we have to go through that dog hole?
What if the head goes in but the body is outside?
Inadvertently seeing Su Xuanchen's livid face, Su Qing rolled her eyes: "Why don't you go to drill with Xiaochenchen, and I will lure the enemy away?"

When Su Xuanchen looked at her with an unkind expression, Su Qing said solemnly: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, so let's come back tomorrow."

Everyone in Xia He: "..." Then what's the point of their flying for more than an hour tonight?
 Recommended ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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