Chapter 166
Su Xuanchen was too lazy to talk to her, and turned around to leave.

Su Qing quickly grabbed him, and said in a hurry: "No, let's do a full set of acting, otherwise, what's the point of you doing this? Wouldn't you just go out of your way once you go?"

Su Xuanchen opened her fingers one by one, and said in a dull tone, "It's boring if it's not interesting, I just don't go."

Seeing that Su Xuanchen was about to pull her hand away, Su Qing immediately hugged his eyes in a panic, hanging on him like a koala.

"No, once a gentleman says something, it's hard to catch a horse. You have promised me, so you have to go."

Feeling the gravity on his body, the position of Su Xuanchen's temples jumped violently: "You get down first."

Most of the women in this world are arrogant and unruly, why did he only see a dead skin when he came to Su Qing?

"The steamed buns are soft and big, and they are suitable for use. If you really don't like it, I will wrap it with a silk scarf, and you can put it in. Just tie your clothes on, and no one else can see it." Su Qing said a little The voice of grievance rang in the room.

Su Xuanchen closed his eyes severely, and then squeezed his fist: "Su Qing, is this a question of dislike or dislike?"

Su Qing's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly jumped off him, her lips dimpled: "Then you are afraid of losing face?"

The veins on Su Xuanchen's forehead popped up for a moment, then he turned around and said nothing.

Su Qing looked at his tall and straight figure, and a smile flashed in her eyes: "I'll find you a black hat, put on a dress and white steamed buns, no one will recognize you."

Su Xuanchen suddenly lowered his tone: "Nonsense!"

Su Qing saw that he was still indifferent, wiped the sweat from his forehead that didn't exist at all, strode up, turned Su Xuanchen around in an instant, supported his shoulder with his right hand, and looked at him intently. looking into his eyes.

"Xiao Chenchen, just go with me once, just once!" Stretching out an index finger, Su Qing looked at him pitifully.

Let me ask: Whose wife is as cowardly as Su Qing?
She is simply a typical standard for husband slaves.

Su Xuanchen thought she was going to do something wrong again, but it turned out...

Su Qing blinked her big eyes and looked at him pitifully, as if Su Qing had done something wrong to him and needed his forgiveness.

After staring at each other for a long time, Su Qing finally caught the little smiles in Su Xuanchen's eyes.

It seems that there is still such a trace of pampering.

But before she could take a closer look, Su Xuanchen had already patted her hand, turned around and walked towards the plate of white steamed buns.

When Su Xuanchen saw the five thumbprints on the white steamed bun, Su Xuanchen had a headache for a moment.

Immediately, carrying the plate expressionlessly, he walked behind the screen.

Soon, Su Qing heard the sound of rustling.

Presumably, Su Xuanchen is taking off his clothes!

As Su Qing thought about it, the curvature of the corners of her mouth became wider and wider, the dimples around her lips became deeper and deeper, and the smile in her eyes became more intense.

The back door of the Dragon Inn——

Although it was daytime, this place was remote, so Su Qing was not afraid that someone would recognize them, so she stood here again.

Of course, behind him was a tall, slightly plump woman wearing a black hat and a black dress, but her face could not be seen clearly.

Chun Shan hid behind Chun Yin, looking like he was hesitant to speak, his face was burning badly.

Xia He was at the side, laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist: "Chun... Chun Shan, you... are so beautiful today!"

Chun Shan glared at her angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "Shut up!"

The corners of Chun Yin's mouth twitched, it was the first time she had seen her younger brother like this, it really was something to watch.

Su Qing coughed: "Okay, stop laughing."

Only then could Xia He hold back her smile and lowered her head, but her constantly shrugging shoulders still revealed her mood at the moment.

 Recommended ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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