The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 167 Black Hair Black Eyes

Chapter 167 Black Hair Black Eyes
Chun Yin looked up at Su Qing, and when she saw the tall woman behind Su Qing, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"Miss, this is?"

Su Qing secretly glanced at Su Xuanchen, and then said: "A good friend of mine is very skilled, please help me."

Xia He silently glanced behind Su Qing. His Highness came to Qingzhou for the first time, how could he have any friends.

Just as she was about to continue asking, Jun Qian walked over fully wrapped up. Coincidentally, he was also wearing a bamboo hat, but the servants following him were recognizable.

Everyone subconsciously looked behind Su Qing, could it be this woman too?
But after thinking about it, Qiqi shook his head again, probably not possible.

"Miss, where is Zhengjun?" Chunshan asked with a pair of big eyes, a little doubtful.

The smile on the corner of Su Qing's mouth froze for a moment: "He worked too hard last night and felt a little uncomfortable."


A meaningful smile flashed across everyone's eyes, and then returned to normal.

Hearing this, under the black veil, the corners of Su Xuanchen's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the back of Su Qing's head with a slight chill in his eyes.

Feeling the coolness coming from her back, Su Qing's heart trembled inexplicably.

Jun Qian happened to be walking over at this time, a smile flashed in Su Qing's eyes, she grabbed Jun Qian, and quickly lifted his black hat.

Jun Qian's flushed cheeks were instantly imprinted in her eyes, and Su Qing was taken aback, Jun Qian was like the shy expression of a little girl next door when she meets her sweetheart.

Jun Qian glanced at her quickly, and hastily put down the veil, with a slight grievance in his soft and sticky tone: "Sister Su couldn't bear Zheng Jun to suffer this crime, and still teased Jun Qian like this."

When Su Xuanchen behind him heard these words, his eyes turned cold, and he glared at Su Qing again.

Su Qing walked forward with a smile, and stood still in front of Jun Qian: "Small stammer, Sister Su wants to take a look at your different appearance from usual, you really look good."

Su Qing nodded again and again, Jun Qian made her feel much more at ease, but she was a little curious, she gave both Su Xuanchen and Chunshan white steamed buns, then Jun Qian...

Slowly moving her gaze down, Su Qing took a lewd glance, what is Jun Qian stuffing here?
Jun Qian naturally also noticed Su Qing's gaze, stomped his feet quickly, and turned around: "Sister Su..."

Su Qing also knew that her action was indescribably wretched, so she touched the tip of her nose very consciously, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Let's go, let's not catch up in a while."

Immediately, he took a step forward, grabbed Jun Qian and jumped into the distance.

Everyone in Xia He covered their faces silently. Su Qing's impatient look just now made them unable to slow down for a while.

Su Xuanchen didn't say a word, at the moment Su Qing flew up, he rushed out like an arrow off the string, and followed Su Qing closely.

On a forest path, a caravan of hundreds of people was driving slowly. The leader was a woman in white clothes who was riding a tall horse with a pretty face but a slightly thin body.

In the grass, Su Qing looked at the leader with some strange eyes. If she hadn't put some medicine on Wen Ziyan, she would have suspected that this person was Yu Hai.

Black hair and black eyes, Wen Ziyan, how did you do it?
Since you can pretend to be a normal person, why should you suffer yourself?
"Rest in place for a while." At the corner, the woman in white raised her hand, and an indistinguishable voice sounded.

"Obey!" The people behind got off their horses one after another.

Su Qing's eyes flashed, and she lowered her voice: "Let's go!"

A group of people quietly approached Wen Ziyan.

 Recently, I urgently need a recommendation ticket! !Lao Shu doesn't need to vote anymore, let's all vote for Empress, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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