The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 168 Talking about business

Chapter 168 Talking about business

When Wen Ziyan heard the change, he smiled as usual: "All gather here, I have something to say."

When everyone heard the words, they all walked over with a little doubt.

Su Qing's eyes flashed, and before everyone noticed, she quickly led them into the crowd, while Jun Qian and she got into the carriage.

Don't ask why it wasn't discovered, because black clothes are a symbol of unity for everyone, except Wen Ziyan, who is the leader.

Wen Ziyan was in the crowd, opening and closing his mouth and frowning, as if he was talking about something important.

Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly, she put down the car curtain, and stayed inside peacefully.

"Do you remember what I said?" Wen Ziyan said with a calm face and a serious tone.

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, the caravan began to drive slowly. I don't know what method Wen Ziyan used. When entering the so-called "green mountains and green waters", someone came out to greet him. Su Qing didn't lift the curtain, so she could only listen Get outside voices.

"Master Yu, my master has been waiting for a long time, please."

"Lao Fang is in charge." Writing an indistinguishable voice, one could tell it was Wen Ziyan's voice.

"Master Yu is polite, please come in."

As soon as the words fell, Su Qing felt the carriage driving slowly, and went in without any hindrance.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the conversation outside continued.

"Master Yu, since you are bringing distinguished guests to see me, it might be inappropriate to stay in the carriage like this." Mo Xiao had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were indeed calm.

Su Qing frowned slightly, she could feel that there were many people with deep inner strength sitting around.

Rumor has it that this Ms. Mo is suspicious and sensitive by nature, if she can't gain Mo Xiao's trust today, if she breaks out, it will be bad luck.

"Miss Wu, since Miss Mo wants to meet you, why don't you get out of the car and see you?" Yu Hai, who was posing as Wen Ziyan, stood outside the curtain of the car at some point and said to Wu Su in the car.

Su Qing withdrew her thoughts, glanced at Xiao Jieba, passed a red medicine bottle from her sleeve, opened the curtain and walked out.

Dressed in black, Su Qing made Su Qing more noble and glamorous, the corners of her lips were dimpled, and the gleam in her eyes was impossible to ignore.

"Miss Mo, I have admired your name for a long time." Su Qing got off the carriage and walked straight towards Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a gesture of invitation: "Miss Wu, please move to the front hall."

Mo Xiao thought that Wu Su would be on guard and didn't go in. Unexpectedly, Wu Su didn't even stop for a moment: "Miss Mo is polite."

Mo Xiao glanced at Wu Su's back, then turned to look at Yu Hai.

Wen Ziyan smiled and said, "Wu Su has always been informal, Miss Mo, please don't mind."

Mo Xiao smiled slightly: "This is what Miss Ben cares about, but not this." After leaving this meaningful sentence, Mo Xiao followed Wu Su and walked in.

Mo Xiao is not a fool, there is another person in the carriage, she does not know.

Wu Su didn't bring him down, of course she had to be careful.

Mo Xiao sat at the main seat, and Wu Su and Yu Hai sat on the bottom, one on the left and one on the right.

Mo Xiao picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then directly cut to the point: "I heard that Miss Wu has a lot of goods in her hands. I wonder if Miss Wu is willing to sell them at a satisfactory price?"

Wu Su's eyes flickered slightly, this Mo Xiao, who asked directly about the source of the goods as soon as he came, made her forget all the words she had thought up at the beginning.

Wu Su looked up, which was just right, saving her from having to think about what to do.

The red lips parted slightly, and Wu Su's face was stern, as if he looked like a businessman: "Everyone is a businessman, and I, Wu Su, don't like playing with those crooked intestines. I do have goods here, and they are all good—" official salt."

For the last two words, Su Qing deliberately accentuated her accent.

 Recommended ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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