The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 171 The effect is good

Chapter 171 The effect is good
Wu Su leaned over and replied: "Miss Mo, you are welcome, this place is very good, I am very satisfied."

Mo Xiao nodded: "If necessary, Ms. Wu can directly order the servants." Mo Xiao beckoned, and two men in black guarded the door directly.

Wu Su's eyes flashed: "Good!"

This Mo Xiao, really didn't feel completely at ease with her!

"Master Yu, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so I won't disturb Miss Wu's rest. I'll take you to your yard. How about we catch up?" Mo Xiao turned to Wen Ziyan and asked him like an old friend. Views.

Of course Wen Ziyan couldn't refuse, and he couldn't refuse, so he could only nod his head and said, "Indeed, Miss Mo, please!"

Mo Xiao smiled lightly, and walked forward first. Wen Ziyan glanced at Su Qing, and then turned away with the others.

Here, only Su Xuanchen, Jun Qian, and Xia He are left.

Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly: "Go in!"

In the house——

Su Qing closed the door, and then looked at the group of them.

Jun Qian asked: "Is there no one watching here?"

Xia He shook his head: "When I came in, I observed carefully, and there was no one else except those two people at the door."

Chun Yin was also a little puzzled: "Yes, although there are many masters around, none of them are close to here."

Sitting on the main seat, Su Qing said regretfully, "I observed very carefully, this Mo Xiao, if he walks the right path, he might be able to make a difference."

Jun Qian nodded: "That's right, he is thoughtful, knows what to ask and what not to ask, and at the same time has a high degree of vigilance, so he can be regarded as impeccable in doing things."

This point, Su Qing can't deny it, because Mo Xiao really has this ability.

It's a pity that they are enemies and not friends, and she is really tired to deal with such people.

"Okay, the first level is over, let's all find a room to rest, but there is still a tough battle to fight tonight!" Su Qing rubbed the center of her brows tiredly, saying that the bureaucracy is really tiring.

Jun Qian stepped forward, stood by Su Qing's side, pressed Su Qing's temples with cold fingers, and rubbed for her carefully.

Seeing this scene, Xia He and the others also retreated silently.

Only the tall "woman" wearing a black hat was still standing there quietly.

"I have something to say!" There was a hint of chill in the deep voice.

Su Qing raised her head and looked at him amusedly, and she also learned to lower her voice. Although she still had a bit of chill, she was more feminine than a man.

Pulling Jun Qian's hand, Su Qing looked at Jun Qian: "Little stutterer, go back and rest first, Sister Su has something important to say to this friend."

Although Jun Qian was puzzled, he also knew that men should not listen too much to women's conversations, so he nodded to Su Qing, turned his head and left.

After the room returned to calm, Su Xuanchen took off the bamboo hat, and that fairy-like face came into Su Qing's eyes again.

"Why did you agree to her to stay overnight?" Su Xuanchen was sitting upright, his voice returned to its original dullness, and he looked at her solemnly.

Su Qing retracted her eyes in embarrassment, touched the tip of her nose and said earnestly: "It's not that Jun Qian hasn't seen the account book yet, he has to wait until night."

After hearing the explanation, Su Xuanchen didn't appreciate it: "You are just worried about his safety."

Su Qing gave him a strange look, why did she speak in such a strange way?
"That's right, little stammer doesn't know martial arts, if I'm not here, how can he handle it alone?" Su Qing replied without hesitation.

Su Xuanchen's throat got stuck, Su Qing was telling the truth, when did he become so narrow-minded.

Looking away, Su Xuanchen looked down at his chest uncomfortably, and closed his eyes with a headache: "How long do you want me to carry this?"

It's okay if you don't say anything, but as soon as you say it, Su Qing's gaze successfully shifted from his face to his chest.

Su Qing rubbed her chin, blinked her big eyes, and her red lips were slightly red: "I think... the effect... is not bad! It's very real!"

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(End of this chapter)

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