Chapter 172 Happy life
"Say it again!" Su Qing looked at him coldly, as if as long as Su Xuanchen said it again, she would bite him to death.

Su Xuanchen fluttered his long eyelashes, and an imperceptible smile flashed in the depths of his eyes.

When he raised his head again, he still looked at Su Qing calmly, with the same look of not getting close to strangers, and opened his thin lips lightly: "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Su Qing: "..." Why did she see a look of contempt in his eyes?
Su Qing turned her head, closed her eyes severely, took a breath of fresh air, and then stood up with a smile.

She discovered that Su Xuanchen was really the kind of person who wouldn't call Fang Jiewa for three days.

Walking lightly in front of Su Xuanchen, Su Qing bent down, and the clear fragrance rushed over her face instantly, Su Xuanchen's eyes darkened for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

Su Xuanchen's face darkened, and he suddenly pushed Su Qing who was close at hand, stood up and turned his back to her: "Shameless!"

Su Qing smiled, turned around and sat on the chair, crossed her legs, and said casually: "Why am I shameless? I mean, do you only know how to curse?"

Su Xuanchen's temples twitched violently, he was really crazy to discuss issues with her here.

With Su Qing's cheekiness, even ten Su Xuanchens can't beat one Su Qing.

Sensing Su Qing's approach, Su Xuanchen silently took two steps forward, and then turned to look at her: "I must leave tomorrow."

There was a smile in Su Qing's eyes, the speed of changing the subject was probably too fast.

"It's not too late now, and there is still some time before dark, what are you in a hurry for?"

Su Xuanchen looked calmly: "Mo Xiao belongs to the second princess."

Second princess?
Su Qiao's people?

Her hands are so long!
"If you insist on staying, your identity may be exposed in a short time."

Although this Mo Xiao was indeed a bit difficult, but once she heard Su Xuanchen's words, she forgot who Su Qiao was.

"Xiao Chenchen, are you worried about me?" Su Qing blinked her big eyes and asked in a daze.

Su Xuanchen turned his eyes away with an unnatural expression, coughed and said, "I'm just afraid that you will hurt me."

Su Qing said with tears in her eyes, "..." Okay, this is his style.

"How do you know that Mo Xiao belongs to the second princess?" Su Qing sat where Su Xuanchen was sitting just now, and stopped joking, but asked about the topic.

Seeing that she was finally back to normal, Su Xuanchen was a little relieved: "I accidentally saw her eating with the second princess in Sujing."

Tsk tsk tsk, Su Qing gave him a contemptuous glance, this man, with a good face, why does he do all kinds of sneaky things all day long?
Seeing her expression, Su Xuanchen knew that Su Qing was determined to be wrong again.

Frowning with some headaches, Su Xuanchen said: "Before I married you, I met you by chance."

Before marrying me?

Su Qing looked at Su Xuanchen in a daze. He was explaining because he was afraid that I would misunderstand?

 Recommended ticket~Recommended ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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