The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 174 Moon Black Wind High Night

Chapter 174 Moon Black Wind High Night

"Send a letter to Chunyu, put aside the matter of the Chen family's small courtyard, and rush back to the East Palace immediately!" Turning around, Su Qing's cold and stern voice sounded.

"Obey!" Xia He stood up and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait, take this." Su Qing reached out and took out the jade slip in her skirt, and handed it to her.

Xia He's face was a little pale, and she quickly leaned over and said, "Master, this is an item to prove your identity, if you don't have it..."

"Okay, I still have the emperor's imperial edict, what's the rush? Hurry up!" There seemed to be a trace of exhaustion between Su Qing's brows.

"Yes!" Seeing that Su Qing insisted on this, Xia He didn't say any more, put away the things in his hand, and retreated.

The secret guards have their own secret ways of contacting each other. For example, if there are important matters between Su Qing's senior secret guards, they can use the sound transmission technique to communicate directly.

It's just that if you want to practice sound transmission, you still need a certain number of years, and the process is extremely complicated, and every time you use it, you will spend a lot of effort.

Su Qing was a rough old man who could only wield knives and guns at the beginning, and she absolutely did not know such advanced secret techniques.

And this secret method, only the secret guards who belong to the direct descendants of the Su family can learn it with the master.That is to say, only the royal secret guards are qualified to learn this. It is not difficult for Su Bo to send the secret guards of the Eastern Palace over and find her.

Su Qing frowned. It seemed that the trip to Qingzhou must end as soon as possible.

After estimating the time, Su Qing took off her coat, lay down on the recliner, and slowly closed her eyes.

People, you have to take a break to have the energy to think about other things.

That night--

We all gathered in one room again.

Su Qing sat on the main seat, her face slightly heavy: "It is indeed night now, but Wen Ziyan hasn't come back yet, so we can't wait. So..."

dong dong dong-

An eager knock on the door interrupted Su Qing's speech.

Everyone looked at each other, and Su Qing said to Chun Yin: "Go, open the door!"

Chun Yin lowered her head: "Yes!"


"My lord is afraid that Ms. Wu will be hungry and hurt her daughter's body, so he specially ordered the younger one to come and bring some food to Ms. Wu, and hope that the girl will show her face."

Chun Yin took it with a smile: "I'm sorry."

There was a sound of closing the door, Su Qing looked up, Chun Yin handed Su Qing the small white roll in her hand.

Su Qing slowly unfolded it and spread it on the table. Everyone gathered around and only took a look. Everyone's face was full of shock.

Including Su Xuanchen, Su Qing, Jun Qian and others.

Because this is a road map of this broken mountain villa, the font is a bit scribbled, it looks like someone hastily made it.

But every place is clearly marked, including the specific location of each secret room, which is clearly marked with red ink.

There was a gloomy look in the depths of Su Qing's eyes, and now she only needs to lure the enemy away.

"Can you trust this blueprint?" Chun Shan asked with some doubts.

"Believe it!" Jun Qian raised his eyes and said firmly.

A smile flashed in Su Qing's eyes, and she turned to look at Jun Qian: "How does Xiao stammer judge?"

Jun Qian's slender fingers lightly pointed at the drawing on the table, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Look here, this door is where we just came in, and this road is our route from the front hall to Hefu Garden. The positions are all right, not bad at all.”

Chun Shan's eyes widened: "No way, young master, you've only walked through it once, and my subordinates felt a headache looking at the winding road, but the young master actually memorized it all?"

Xia He glanced at him with some contempt: "Is the young master comparable to you, a mountain villager?"

Chun Shan turned his head with a displeased face: "Xia He, are you finding fault again?"

Xia He looked up at Chun Shan: "What's the matter, you..."

"Okay, can you two change your bad habit of arguing when you meet?" Su Qing stared at them expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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