The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 175 Are You An Idiot?

Chapter 175 Are You An Idiot?

Seeing that the two finally calmed down, Su Qing shifted her gaze to the table and pointed at the red circle with her finger: "Here is where we are going tonight."

Everyone looked down, and the three big characters "Archive Room" lay there quietly, which was particularly eye-catching.

"However, the surrounding area is watertight, how can we get there?" Xia He frowned and looked at the dense black dots around the blueprints. There was really no way for them to get in the layout of one hundred steps per person.

"How about setting fire?" Jun Qian, who was watching from the side, said suddenly.

"No, even if it is set on fire, this so-called "archive room" will not be easily dispersed, so..." Xia He said with a frown.

Everyone knows what she said. Even if it can really attract some people's attention, the people around the so-called "archive room" may not change much.

This method will not work!
Su Qing was about to speak, but was interrupted by Su Xuanchen: "It's not impossible!"

Seeing a strange voice coming in, everyone hurriedly looked sideways.

Su Qing's red lips curled slightly: "What's your opinion?"

"It's a key protected place, and the people around them will naturally not leave easily, but what if...the place where the fire is burning is their case room instead?" The voice with a hint of wisdom hit everyone's hearts .

Indeed, it might be better if the fire was set in the archives and the ledgers were taken out of the chaos.

But Su Qing and Su Xuanchen didn't want to take out the ledger, otherwise what's the use of Jun Qian?

"Although that is the case, how can we avoid the many eyes and ears and enter inside?" Chun Yin was a little worried.

The eyes under the black veil looked up at Su Qing: "With your master's lightness skill, it shouldn't be a problem to get in without anyone noticing."

When he used her to fight against the wolves, her lightness kung fu had reached the point of perfection, and he wasn't worried about it.

The point is, Jun Qian has to go in.

Because only Jun Qian can find out the account book they want at a glance, and write it down quickly, because they can't reveal their identities for the time being.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Su Qing's mind, and she said, "This is a small problem. It's time for everyone to show their acting skills."

Su Qing hooked her hands, and several small heads gathered together, chattering about something.

Su Xuanchen's ears moved slightly, and when he heard the middle, there was a smile in the depths of his eyes. Su Qing's spooky ideas are not ordinary.

But when he heard the latter, his face darkened again, and his anger was burning a little bit! ! !
Because Su Qing looked at him with a smile, and the surprised eyes of everyone in the room fell on Su Xuanchen, Chun Shan's throat rolled, and the shock in his eyes was too obvious.

"Nation... country... country... national teacher..." Chun Shan stammered for a long time before saying this.

Su Qing also had a chill down her spine, let me recall what she just said?

"Since that's the case, Xiao Chenchen will take out the white steamed buns on his chest, and accompany his wife to stage a big scene of a husband and wife quarrel..."

Facing those slightly cold eyes, Su Qing suddenly lowered her head, she was so cold just now that...

With a clear cough, Su Qing frowned: "Okay, what are you looking at, just act according to the plan just now, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Everyone shrank collectively, lowered their heads, not daring to look at the "female!" wearing the black hat again.

Chun Shan's shoulders trembled, he thought that only he and Jun Qian were forced to disguise themselves as women, but unexpectedly...

The person he always thought was impossible, actually...

Lowering his head, except for Su Xuanchen and Su Qing, everyone else quickly slipped out.

Su Qing straightened her clothes, stood up, and quietly moved out with her hands behind her back: "Well, the green mountains and green waters really live up to the name, and the furnishings in this house are so elegant, it's just..."


Su Xuanchen yanked off the bamboo hat, and quickly pushed Su Qing against the wall.

Pressing her hands on her shoulders, her eyes were cold and her tone was like snow in February, Su Qing was so cold that she wanted to slap him away.

"Su Qing, are you an idiot?"

Let me just ask, he's been wearing a bamboo hat for so long, he's so hot that he's half dead, let alone Su Qing's casual words make him completely exposed...

He also deliberately changed the timbre, and as a result...

 Recommended tickets and rewards, of course I don’t refuse~
  Of course, if there is a long review, it will be more complete~
  Humble and fat looking for love online~
(End of this chapter)

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