Chapter 185
Wen Ziyan chuckled twice, and said something meaningful: "There are rumors that the national teacher and His Highness are not in harmony, but now Ziyan knows it, and the rumors in the market are not credible."

Su Qing's patience was about to be worn out by him, even if Wen Ziyan didn't help her, at most she would just spend a little more effort, there's no need to keep being so stiff.

"If you want to say it, just say it, don't say get out!" Su Qing lowered her eyes coldly, her tone was more impolite than Su Xuanchen's.

Xia He and the others silently mourned for Wen Ziyan for three seconds.

You said that His Highness's Zhengjun and Quasi-husband are here, and if you want His Highness to promise you something, you can't say it in front of them.

Isn't this silly and lacking stuff...

Besides, Your Highness is a pain in the ass...

Wen Ziyan's face turned green and pale, it was really good-looking: "I just want His Highness to protect Ziyan for a while when Ziyan is in trouble in the future."

"Since it's such a simple request, why did Mr. Wen bother to upset everyone just now?" Su Xuanchen looked up at Wen Ziyan and asked.

Wen Ziyan hesitated slightly, why didn't he realize that Su Xuanchen could speak so well before?
The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, Su Xuanchen, I'm afraid you took the wrong medicine today, right?

"Once you say this, you will never go back on it?" Su Qing ignored Su Xuanchen's unreasonable trouble, but looked at Wen Ziyan seriously.

It must not be difficult to protect him for a while.

She was afraid that he would regret such a simple answer in the future.

Wen Ziyan's eyes flickered slightly, and his head lowered slightly: "I will never regret it." I am afraid that you will be the one who regrets it in the future.

"Your Highness only needs to ask your substitute to wait at Wuhua Pier tomorrow, and Ziyan will give His Highness a satisfactory answer." After saying this, Wen Ziyan took out a note from his pocket and put it on the table.

Immediately, he glanced at Su Xuanchen and Jun Qian, then turned and left.

"Xia He, let's do it." Su Qing threw the note to Xia He without even looking at the content of the note.

Xia He caught it with one hand: "Yes!" Then he turned and left.

"Chun Shan, send the young master back." After Xia He took the two of them away, Su Qing looked at Chun Shan and said.

It has been a few days since Jun Qian came out, and the substitute won't be able to stop him for long. Besides, the station still needs his help.

Jun Qian looked at Su Qing reluctantly, and lowered his head somewhat disappointed: "Sister Su..."

Su Qing turned sideways, raised her hand to rub his soft hair, and said softly: "After tomorrow night, you don't have to stay at the inn."

Jun Qian smiled sweetly and nodded, then hugged Su Qing's waist: "Sister Su, Jun Qian will miss you."

Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then raised a gentle smile: "Sister Su will also want to stammer."

After getting tired of it for a while, Jun Qian reluctantly let go of Su Qing, and walked away step by step.

Su Qingqing coughed, looked at Chun Yin and said, "Go and verify the authenticity of this list."

"Yes!" Chun Yin took it, and turned to leave with the remaining two.

Only Su Qing and Su Xuanchen were left in the room.

Su Xuanchen straightened his clothes, got up, turned around and left without even looking at Su Qing.

"I won't let Mo Xiao go!" Su Qing's voice sounded behind him, making Su Xuanchen's footsteps stop for a moment.

"Similarly, I will not let you go." The moment Su Xuanchen was about to open the door, Su Qing quickly added that sentence.

Su Xuanchen finally stopped in his tracks, his eyes darkened, and he turned to look at her expressionlessly: "Why do you insist on making things difficult for me?" With Jun Qian, isn't Qi Yue enough?

Su Qing chuckled, when he used wolves to force her to practice martial arts, she was covered in injuries.Later, she used wine to force him to submit, which made him lose all face.

After all, who is right and who is wrong between the two of them?

Maybe her original intention was to punish Su Xuanchen for treating her so cruelly, but the more she got along with her, the more she found out.

Her original intention has changed.

 You guys are great! ! !The free list has climbed a few more places.I love you so much~

(End of this chapter)

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