Chapter 186 At a loss
Su Qing raised her steps and walked towards Su Xuanchen, stood still when she was one meter away from him, looked up at him, her eyes were as deep as the sea: "Su Xuanchen, as I said, I want you to stay by my side willingly, I Will try my best!"

The flamboyance and wantonness in her eyebrows made Su Xuanchen stunned for a moment.

"Su Xuanchen, I, Su Qing, have always been passionate about things for 3 minutes, but for you, I want to maintain my passion for a lifetime." Su Qing looked at him, and said what she thought in her heart without hesitation.

"Su Xuanchen, you have to remember, I want you to be by my side forever, that's right. However, I'm not a person who will always take the initiative. If you run away again and again, too many times, I won't Stop it again." A look of helplessness flashed in Su Qing's eyes, what she said was indeed the truth, but for Su Xuanchen, she hoped that he would be an exception.

Perhaps these few words of Su Xuan touched him greatly, Su Xuanchen's body froze in place instantly, and he wanted to say something: You must persevere in doing things.

But he didn't say anything, just stood in front of her like this, feeling a little uneasy.

Su Qing's red lips curled slightly: "But before that, I want to help you prove one thing tonight."

Su Xuanchen's beautiful eyes finally lifted up...

Su Qing leaned down in an instant, Su Xuanchen took a step back in surprise, and hit the door with his back.

Su Qing's flawless face was magnified in front of his eyes.

Supporting his left and right sides with both hands, Su Qing bent down under his terrified gaze, and leaned her left ear against his left heart.

Then, Su Qing's gentle voice rang between the two of them: "Xiao Chenchen, listen to your heartbeat, it is obviously beating so violently because of me, but why do you push me away again and again?" ?”

The surrounding environment seemed to stop being noisy because of Su Qing's words, and the tranquility was terrifying.

In front of her left heart was her little head. The way Su Qing lay on top of him was like a lover's cuddling. Su Xuanchen's restless heart was even more chaotic at this moment.

So much so that he himself could hear the sound of "bang bang bang", not to mention Su Qing.

"Su Qing, get up!" Su Xuanchen closed his eyes, and the veins on his forehead were slightly bulging.

Su Qing straightened up obediently this time, her hair around her ears was slightly disheveled, revealing her slender and fair neck, she frowned and looked up at him: "Su Xuanchen, I'm your wife, is it so difficult for you to admit that you like me? "

Su Xuanchen didn't avoid her this time, but looked down at her with the same calm eyes as before: "What about you? Have you ever really cared about me?"

Su Qing had a headache, frowned and said: "If I don't take you seriously, is it necessary to coax and trick you into trapping you by my side?"

To put it bluntly, what do I, Su Qing, want? As for hanging on your tree?

Su Xuanchen was silent!
"What do you want from me? Shall I show you my heart?" Su Qing seemed sullen.

Su Xuanchen's heart trembled slightly, and for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

"Su Xuanchen, do you remember what I said when I was on the boat?" Su Qing's voice as light as a feather made Su Xuanchen stunned for a moment.

At that time, she said: If you are still not willing to stay by my side before I become emperor, I will let you go.

"Remember." His throat was slightly dry, and Su Xuanchen looked at her with some melancholy.

He silently asked himself, could he really wait for her to ascend the throne and leave by himself?Would you...will you?

Su Qing took a step back, stood upright, and there was no wave in her eyes: "That sentence is valid until I ascend the throne."

Su Xuanchen, I will give myself a chance, and I will also give you a chance.

If it is not a last resort, I will temporarily restrain the mother emperor and the court.

But...after returning to Beijing, you and I won't have so much time alone.

Taking advantage of Su Xuanchen's flashing moment, Su Qing suddenly stood on tiptoe and pressed a kiss on his jade-like face.

(End of this chapter)

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