Chapter 196 Betrayal
Flowerless pier——

Qiu Shui, Xia He, Chun Yin and others are all here.

When Su Qing and Su Xuanchen arrived at the scene, the lights were brightly lit, and the officers and soldiers were checking the cargo in the cabin one by one.

"You are waiting for me right away." Su Qing tightened his grip and whispered in his ear.

Feeling the scorching heat on his back, Su Xuanchen's back stiffened slightly, but he still nodded obediently: "Got it."

Su Qing was so excited, she couldn't stand Su Xuanchen's obedience without drinking.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, she really wanted to hug him and take two bites! ! !

Su Qing held his slender fingers and squeezed his palm quietly: "Xiao Chenchen, I don't want to just apologize~"

After leaving such a meaningful sentence, Su Qing quickly jumped off the horse.

She was afraid that if she sat behind Su Xuanchen again, she would kill him on the spot.

No, no.Later, she has to ask Xia He to find some picture albums for her to look at, observe and learn skills.

Work hard for Xiaochenchen to give birth to buns!
Shaking her head, shaking off the unbearable scene in her mind, Su Qing walked towards the pier.

"Your Highness, Sheng'an!" Someone who discovered Su Qing hurriedly knelt down and shouted loudly.

Su Qing kept walking, walking straight towards Xia He and the others.

When everyone heard the voice, they all looked up at Su Qing. She was wrapped in black clothes, and her waist-length hair was tied high with a jade belt. She was walking like this without any expression, but she still daunting.

"Your Highness, Sheng'an!" Everyone knelt down and bowed their heads.

After Xia He and the others came to their senses, they followed the crowd and prostrated themselves on the ground: "Your Highness, Sheng'an!"

Xia He was secretly annoyed that she lost her mind for a moment. Since when did she actually see some shadow of the Empress in Su Qing.

"Pingshen!" Su Qing walked in front of Xia He and the others, and her cold voice spread throughout the pier.

Gu Xiao and the others, who were held on their necks with a knife, looked at Qiu Shui in disbelief.


Qiu Shui is not a concubine at all! !

It is false to say that you want to get a share of the action!

Gu Xiao's eyes were blank, no wonder, no wonder Qiu Shui never entered Qi Yue's room.

She thought it was Her Royal Highness who didn't like Qi Yue, but she didn't expect that she wouldn't enter, she didn't dare to enter at all!

"Where is the person?" Su Qing's face was calm, but her heart was burning with urgency. Therefore, as soon as she came, she directly cut to the point.

"Please look, Your Highness!" Qiu Shui and others moved away, and Gu Xiao and others fell into her sight.

Su Qing had seen their portraits early in the morning, and probably recognized a few of them.

But she didn't blame Gu Xiao and the others directly, but looked at Wen Ziyan who was kneeling straight in the center.

The face on his face right now is that shameless Mo Xiao!

Although the person was dead, Su Qing's face was gloomy for a moment when she saw this face.

"Mo Xiao, I ask you, what are you doing at the pier today?"

"Deal!" Wen Ziyan betrayed Gu Xiao and the others in an instant.

Gu Xiao looked at Wen Ziyan frantically: "Mo Xiao, what are you doing!"

Wen Ziyan blinked, and looked at Gu Xiao innocently: "Master Gu, my mother taught me to smile since I was a child, not to lie."

Gu Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Wen Ziyan angrily, but Wen Ziyan pretended not to see it.

"What are you trading with? Who are you trading with? Do you have evidence?" A series of questions were asked, and Su Qing looked at Wen Ziyan intently.

As soon as Wen Ziyan was about to speak, Gu Xiao looked at him fiercely, and said in a cold tone, "Mo Xiao, if you dare to reveal a word, the consequences are not something you can afford!"

Wen Ziyan turned his head to look at Gu Xiao, his eyes slightly curved: "Master Gu, listen carefully."

After saying this, Wen Ziyan turned around directly and looked at Su Qing fearlessly: "The transaction with the magistrate of Ezhou, because the imperial court has a group of official salt, was stopped by the magistrate of Ezhou when passing through Ezhou."

(End of this chapter)

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