The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 197 He's Different

Chapter 197 He's Different

Gu Xiao lowered his head embarrassingly, today's transaction is a message from Mo Xiao, so they will come.

From this point of view, Mo Xiao may have betrayed his master a long time ago, and all the things he did in the past should be to let the master and us put down our guard.

After thinking this through, Gu Xiao looked at Wen Ziyan even more penetratingly.

"In my villa, under the study, there is a secret room, which contains the list of business contacts and sources of goods. The mansion of Master Gu Xiaogu also has an identical list, and the mansion of the magistrate of Ezhou should also have a copy. As for whether it is true False, His Highness only needs to send troops to search immediately, and then he will know the facts of what I said." Wen Ziyan's mouth was like a machine gun, and all the facts were shaken out once he opened and closed.

Gu Xiao finally softened her body, and now she is even more sure that Mo Xiao is a betrayer.

In the depths of Su Qing's eyes, a smile flashed quickly, and the cold voice spread throughout the audience: "Xia He led troops to the green mountains and green waters, and Qiu Shui led troops to Gu Xiao's mansion, and sealed up the two mansions. Rebels, shoot and kill!"

The last four words shocked everyone, and made everyone present understand that Su Qing is the supreme executor here, and with one sentence, he can control everyone's life and death.

"Yes!" Xia He and Qiu Shui stood up suddenly, mounted their horses, and led a group of officers and soldiers to run in different directions.

Tonight, the sky in Qingzhou City is completely chaotic.

"Green mountains, green waters and back mountains. Going deep, there is a swamp. Under the swamp is the largest salt factory in Qingzhou." As if thinking of something, Wen Ziyan quickly raised his head and said to Su Qing.

Su Qing's expression froze for a moment, why didn't he say anything just now?
But at this moment, she had no time to think about it, and quickly ordered: "Bailifeng, Chunyin, lead the troops there immediately."

"Yes!" The voices of a man and a woman sounded at the same time, and then the number of officers and soldiers at the dock decreased by half.

Tonight, Qingzhou City is destined to be a sleepless night.

Su Qing's eyes finally fell on Wen Ziyan, Gu Xiao and the others.

Wen Ziyan faced Yu Hai's face, and smiled at her triumphantly, that expression seemed to say: Look, I'm amazing!
Su Qing smiled, her eyes were filled with bright stars, and the dimples around her lips were sunken. Under the light of the fire, she was so beautiful.

Wen Ziyan was stunned for a moment, Su Qing had never had a good look towards him, but it was the first time that she smiled so brightly now.

"Put Mo Xiao and others into the dungeon, and if they are found out, they will be dealt with according to the law!" Su Qing calmly ordered without looking at Wen Ziyan.


At this point, the matter finally came to an end, Su Qing turned around impatiently, and ran towards the big tree.

Of course, everything that happened just now fell into Su Xuanchen's eyes.

Seeing her running towards him in a hurry, Su Xuanchen's beautiful eyes also slightly bent. Since when did the little girl who needs to be taught a stick handle everything in an orderly manner?

"Little Chenchen~" Su Qing stood under the horse, looking up at him crisply.

Perhaps it was because she was originally a modern person, so only Su Xuanchen could enjoy the feeling of being loved.

Because whether it is Jun Qian or Qi Yue, she naturally thinks that she should take care of them, because women are respected here.

But Su Xuanchen, after all, was different.

"What's wrong?" Su Xuanchen looked down at her, the tenderness in his eyes was almost drowning.

"I want to sit in front of you." Su Qing said this sentence with a smile.

Su Xuanchen chuckled, bent down, and stretched out his slender fingers in front of her.

Su Qing grabbed it without hesitation, and Su Xuanchen pulled it hard, and Su Qing sat firmly on the saddle, in his... arms.

"Drive!" The second Su Qing sat on it, she quickly pulled up the reins, and the horse rushed out like an arrow off the string.

During the bumpy journey, Su Qing finally turned her head to look at Su Xuanchen, and Su Xuanchen looked down at her, but her eyes were full of stars.

Su Qing pulled his head down with her backhand, and raised her head...

She really felt the taste between his lips...

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(End of this chapter)

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