Chapter 200

Jun Qian quickly ran into the house and closed the door behind him.

The corners of Su Xuanchen's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Su Qing.

Su Qing's eyes were full of smiles, and the eyes of the two just met, and Su Xuanchen's ears suddenly turned red.

Su Qing is in a good mood, Qi Yue is sensible, Jun Qian is sensible, there is only such a Su Xuanchen, a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, she can still handle it.

"Chun Shan..." Su Xuanchen's eyes flashed, and he looked behind Su Qing.

Su Qing looked back with some doubts, she remembered that she left Chunshan in the green mountains and green waters.

Su Qing took a closer look, and there was no one behind her...

Bang—there was a loud slam of the door.

Su Qing: "...!!!"

Su Qing turned her head with a dark face, there was no trace of Su Xuanchen, only the door of the room on the right was still shaking a little.

On: The shadow area in Su Qing's heart...

Su Qing's face was very ugly, Jun Qian on the left and Su Xuanchen on the right, the doors of both rooms were tightly closed, and the candles were not even lit!
Su Qing raised her forehead, she really missed the sensible Qi Yue.

"Your Highness, this is the list!" Xia He stood behind her at some point, bent down and respectfully presented the booklet in her hand.

Su Qing withdrew her thoughts, turned her head, looked at Xia He indifferently, and reached for the booklet: "When did you come?"

Xia He trembled all over, can she say that she came when the National Teacher was closed?

Xia He has a mournful face, why does she always meet Su Qing's embarrassing moment?

"Just...just now." Xia He lowered his head, and said aggrievedly.

Su Qing glanced at her with a smile on her face, then continued to flip through the booklet.

There are too many officials involved, right?

"Immediately send a letter to Mr. Ezhou Nian, asking him to seal up the magistrate immediately. We will discuss the specific matters after the emperor's imperial edict comes down." Su Qing flipped through the pamphlet while instructing Xia He.

"An announcement will be issued tomorrow. Gu Xiao and others will be executed after the crime is confirmed. As for the family members, the male family members will be demoted to common people, and the female family members will be sent to the frontier!" Su Qing still lowered her head, but no one could refuse what she said.

Xia He lowered her head, her face pleased: "Yes!"

The princess is becoming more and more like an empress, and she does things without delay. Although she is a bit cruel, she is also sensible.

"The parents and officials in Qingzhou are gone. Does Your Highness have a good candidate?" Xia He frowned and asked.

Hearing this, Su Qing was slightly taken aback, she had to rush back to Su Jing City tomorrow, how could she have time to choose a parent officer?

"Pass down the order and order Qiushui to temporarily serve as an imperial envoy and stay in Qingzhou. After the matter in Qingzhou is over, he will return to Sujing."

Xia He also knew that Su Qing wanted to return to Beijing earlier, so she lowered her head and responded respectfully: "Yes!" No one knows more about Qingzhou than Qiu Shui, and no one is more suitable to stay in Qingzhou than her.

"Go down and get ready. Prepare your chariot and horses tomorrow, and set off immediately to return to the court!" Handing over the booklet in her hand, Su Qing ordered lightly.

"Yes, there is one more thing. The palace has sent a message that the Prince Liguo will arrive in Sujing soon. His Majesty wants His Highness to enter the palace immediately after returning to Sujing." Xia He said while bending over.

Prince Li?

That Li Shang?

Su Qing had a headache. She remembered that she had promised Su Xuanchen that as long as he dived, he would marry him.

Su Qing couldn't help looking up at the dark room, Xiaochenchen, if I really want to marry Lishang, will you stop me once?
After thinking for a while, Su Qing smiled and lowered her head. How dare she expect Su Xuanchen to stop him. With his nature, it would be good if he didn't force her to marry quickly.

But Junqian, who is jealous, is afraid that he will make a fuss for a while.

Hey, Su Qing sighed, she didn't have a big reaction to traveling through the Nuzun Kingdom, but...

She might not be able to bear this peach blossom.

(End of this chapter)

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