The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 201 She's the King

Chapter 201 She's the King

"My hall knows, let's go down!" Su Qing shook her hand wearily, then walked towards another room.

Jun Qian, a little fool, can't even tell a lie. How could there be only two rooms in such a big station.

Before closing the door, Su Qing took a last look at the two rooms, and then slammed the door shut.

Su Xuanchen, you wait for my mother, we will have a long time to come, if you don't watch the palace sand on your body disappear with your own eyes, my mother will not be surnamed Su! !
So far, the trip to Qingzhou has finally come to an end.

The next morning—

Su Qing sat in the main hall early, and after waiting for a while, Su Xuanchen and Jun Qian finally arrived late.

Su Qing propped her chin with one hand, and watched Bai Yiqing sit down helplessly, um, it was quite pleasing to the eye.

But why does she look so much like The Legend of the White Snake?
Bah, what is she thinking, those two are her husbands.

"I'm not talking about you for my wife's sake. I still have to change my lazy temper. You see, my wife was alone in the empty room last night. You still..."

Before Su Qing finished speaking, her two little ancestors looked at her in unison.

Su Qing silently closed her mouth, picked up her rice bowl, the world is big, and eating is the biggest!
Su Xuanchen then withdrew his gaze, stretched out his hand and took out his white marble porcelain bowl from his sleeve.

This time, Jun Qian's gaze was finally not on Su Qing, and his big eyes stared at Su Xuanchen as if he had discovered some new continent.

But Su Xuanchen seemed to have not seen Jun Qian's eyes, and started eating on his own.

Su Qing silently moved towards Jun Qian, and said in a low voice, "Do you have to get used to knowing it in the future?"

Jun Qian moved closer to Su Qing, his two little heads pressed together: "This is Zhengjun?"

Su Qing smiled wickedly, and continued to make up nonsense: "Except for the bowl I used, he is not used to other things."

Jun Qian obviously believed it, his mouth opened slightly, his eyes were full of surprise: "Sister Su, you are too good." A cold-hearted person like the national teacher can handle it!

When Jun Qian said this, Su Qing got excited, and quickly pulled Jun Qian and said, "Little stammer, let me tell you, when I was in Su Jing, Su Xuanchen and I went to meet the appointment of the eldest sister, you know how lost he is." No face, I..."


Veins popped up on Su Xuanchen's forehead, and he put down the bowl and chopsticks suddenly, making a crisp sound.

Su Qing's voice stopped abruptly, and Jun Qian straightened up immediately, moving away from her.

Su Qing: "..." Xiao stammered, don't play like this.

Su Xuanchen squinted at her, his thin lips parted slightly: "Are you still eating?"

Su Qing straightened up in embarrassment, picked up the bowl and chopsticks: "Eat, I'm really hungry."

She guessed that only when she was teasing Su Xuanchen, would she not be so cowardly...

After finishing their meal, the three of them stepped out of the station together.

The long motorcade has already waited at the door, and the notice has been posted, so many people came to see them off today.

Except that the road they were driving was blocked by officers and soldiers, the common people had already surrounded the place tightly.

The moment Su Qing stepped out, thousands of people knelt down and said, "Your Majesty the Empress Dowager is a thousand years old!"

Actually, to be honest, Su Qing really felt the importance of her as a princess at this moment. the...king of this country in the future!

She has the responsibility to protect her people!

Stepping down the steps, Su Qing waved her sleeves, and a slightly majestic voice spread throughout the audience: "Pingshen!"

She was still dressed in a black robe, and her hair was tied with black jade hairpins. Under the sun, her delicate features became more and more attractive, but the sharpness between her brows still couldn't be ignored.

"The palace will return to court today. The evil deeds of Qingzhou Gu Xiao, Mo Xiao and others will be announced one by one by the imperial envoy Qiu Shui. For false and wrong cases, after the imperial decree from the capital, the hall will send people to come back quickly, one by one, and all the cases will be taken over by Dali Temple in Sujing, and the hall will return justice to the people of Qingzhou!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was shocking!

 Crazy begging for a reward! ! ! !Recommended ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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