Chapter 203 Questions
Su Xuanchen was dressed in white clothes, and rode a white horse away from her: "I don't want to!"

Su Xuanchen looked straight ahead. He knew Su Qing too well. When she spoke like this, she probably asked questions that he didn't want to answer.

Su Qing hesitated slightly, and silently turned her head to look at Xia He and the others who were a few meters away. Seeing that their expressions were normal and nothing unusual, she rode her red horse and approached Su Xuanchen again.

"Little Chenchen, only you can answer this question, and I'm too embarrassed to ask others." Su Qing smiled and said, turning her head to look at Su Xuanchen.

Su Xuanchen finally raised his calm eyes, looked sideways slightly: "What's the matter?"

Su Qing's big eyes flickered, and she rode a horse closer to Su Xuanchen, and said quietly: "Little Chenchen, man... how did you give birth to a child?"

Su Xuanchen's jade-like handsome face suddenly turned red, he shouldn't have expected her to ask any good questions.Su Xuanchen looked at her angrily, and said in a low voice, "Why are you asking this?"

Su Qing squinted her beautiful eyes, and glanced at the position below Su Xuanchen's waist thoughtfully, her red lips parted slightly: "I... I'm just curious..."

Where did it come from?Su Qing couldn't help but keep looking at Su Xuanchen.

Su Xuanchen glanced at her: "It's none of your business!"

When Su Xuanchen said this, Su Qing was not happy. She curled her mouth and said aggrievedly: "Why is it none of my business? How can you live without me? This is not a husband and wife who are of the same heart, and its benefits can cut through gold..."

"Woo~" Su Xuanchen reined in suddenly, his handsome face was completely red.

"Su Qing, get the hell out of here!"

"Drive!" Su Xuanchen galloped forward quickly on his horse.

Su Qing stared blankly at Su Xuanchen's graceful back in white, and silently wiped the saliva off her face. Didn't she just ask a common sense question about time and space?
Is it necessary to spray her with saliva in anger?

Isn't she just curious?She really doesn't know, she wanted to ask a long time ago...

Who knows, this is what happened when I asked...

Chun Shan covered his mouth, and lay down on the horse's back with a smile. Of course, he didn't dare to laugh out loud. As for lying on the horse's back, it was to avoid falling off like last time and stepping on the branches again.

The corners of Xia He's and the others' mouths twitched, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, even the always serious Chun Yin had a hint of a smile in his eyes.

They really didn't intend to eavesdrop, His Highness probably forgot that they all have internal strength, and it's only a few meters away, so it's useless not to listen, right?
Su Qing looked at the back of Su Xuanchen going away, and scratched her head with a little melancholy, what did she do wrong?Isn't everything she said the truth?
Shaking her head, Su Qing secretly made a decision, she should go back and look for the pamphlet. Her Zhengjun is too thin-skinned, so ask the other few...

Su Qing trembled violently when she thought of that scene, Jun Qian and Qi Yue's reactions might be greater than Su Xuanchen's.

"Drive!" With a cold shout, Su Qing resigned herself to chasing after her.

Hearing the sound, Jun Qian lifted the curtain of the window and glanced at the back of Su Qing leaving, and asked with some doubts, "Where is Sister Su going?"

With a smile on her brows, Chun Yin rode back on her horse, and replied respectfully: "Young Master, don't worry, Your Highness and Zheng Jun are racing horses."

race?Jun Qian's big dark eyes were full of curiosity. It seemed that he would have to learn how to ride a horse in the future.

Let Sister Su teach, Jun Qian was very happy when he thought of this, if he was not on the road now, he would not ride a horse and it would affect the itinerary.

He really wanted to ask Sister Su to teach him now.

East Palace——

Chun Yu stood respectfully in front of the door of "Shuiyue Jinghua".

Qi Yue was dressed in a purple gilded brocade robe, with a handsome and majestic appearance, her hair was tied up high in a bun for a husband, and she was walking towards her gracefully at this moment.

Chun Yu concealed the astonishment in his eyes. Which one of the two masters in the backyard didn't attract the women outside?

 I originally said that the group account will be released tomorrow, Feifei thought about it, let's do it today, some chapters are blocked, I will post it in the group.Ok, next, put the group: 796223159
  Right now, Feifei is alone~ Stepping stone: my pseudonym~
(End of this chapter)

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