Chapter 204
Qi Yue walked up to her, stood still, and looked at Chun Yu with a pair of captivating eyes: "What's the matter?"

Chun Yu came back to her senses, bowed respectfully and said, "My subordinate received a message from the secret guard that His Highness is already on his way back and will arrive in Sujing early next month."

Hearing this, Qi Yue's whole body trembled, and strong surprise burst out from her pupils, she was so excited that she didn't know how to place her hands and feet: "What did you say, say it again!"

Chun Yu smiled slightly, Qi Fangjun really loved His Highness as much as his life.

"This subordinate received a message that His Highness is already on his way back and will arrive in Sujing early next month." Chun Yu repeated with a smile.

The ecstasy in Qi Yue's eyes burst out instantly, and he looked at Chun Yu excitedly: "Two months early, two months early..."

Chun Yu was also very happy: "Yes, Your Highness should return to court early because he misses the king."

Hearing this, Qi Yue suddenly fell silent, looked at Chun Yu in disbelief, and said cautiously: "Will she miss me? Will she not blame me?"

After all, he had done so many things to disappoint her.

Chun Yu's heart was a little sour, she remembered that in this East Palace, the master most feared by the servants was Qi Yue.

Now, Qi Yue is also the one with the mildest temper.

"It's true. When His Highness was in Quanzhou, he also said that he wanted to come back early to see Mr. Qi Fang. His Highness was worried about leaving Mr. Qi in the East Palace alone, so he ordered his subordinates to come back and take care of him." Chun Yu looked at Qi Yue with eyes wide open. Tell him firmly, yes, His Highness has missed you.

Only then did Qi Yue laugh, his eyes were curved like a crescent moon, every night, he blamed himself terribly, why did he do such things that annoyed her, so much so that until now, he didn't even get close to She can't do it around her.

"I'll wait for her." After saying this, Qi Yue hurriedly ran to the gate, and the purple robe slipped gracefully under the warm sun that was about to enter winter.

Chun Yu was dumbfounded for a moment, what did Qi Fangjun just say?Waiting for Your Highness?

There is still a month!
"Qi Fangjun!" Chun Yu's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly ran towards Qi Yue, really made Qi Yue wait at the door for a month, it's no wonder Su Qing didn't peel her skin when she came back!
It's a pity that Chun Yu's persuasion was useless. Since that day, there has been a wife-watching stone at the gate of the East Palace.

When it's time for dinner, Qi Yue will still go back to the main hall to eat, and at night she will still go back to sleep.

It's just holding a book every day, wandering non-stop at the gate of the East Palace, and the eyes can't count how many times they look at the road back to her.

While Qi Yue waited day after day, the season of heavy snow finally ushered in.

The footsteps of Su Qing and others also temporarily stopped because of the heavy snow blocking the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain——

Su Qing huddled in the corner of the carriage, wrapped in a thick blanket, shivering non-stop.

Jun Qian took people out to find firewood, while Su Xuanchen looked at her worriedly: "Is it that cold?"

Su Qing was shivering, her teeth were chattering non-stop. She felt that she was probably freezing to death at tens of degrees below zero. She was a true Southerner. She had seen snow a handful of times since she was a child. But how could she know that this place is so cold!
She's probably not in the North Pole! !

"Cold...cold, Su...Su Xuanchen, come here and" Su Qing shrank her head, trembling from the cold and did not forget to take advantage of others.

Su Qing closed her eyes, feeling the coldness hitting her layer by layer, making her dizzy from the cold.

Su Xuanchen sighed, moved over silently, and embraced Su Qing, who had shrunk into a small ball, into his arms.

Perhaps the temperature on Su Xuanchen's body was too hot, and Su Qing instantly felt a heater approaching her.

The consequences can be imagined, Su Qing shamelessly put her little hand into the skirt of the man's clothes, and called it: Keeping warm!

Seeing that his whole body was trembling due to the cold, Su Xuanchen did not forget to tease him, a little bit dumbfounded, but still stretched out his hand to hug him tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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