Chapter 206
Seeing Su Xuanchen walking away towards them in the wind and snow, Xia He greeted them with some doubts: "Zhengjun, what's the matter with you?"

Su Xuanchen looked behind her, and the officers and soldiers were working hard to set up the tents, but the wind and snow were too heavy, and after working for a long time, none of them were finished, and they were blown upside down.

Frowning slightly, Su Xuanchen rolled up his sleeves, pulled up the hem of his clothes and wanted to step forward.

Xia He didn't dare to get too close to him, so he could only stand stubbornly in front of Su Xuanchen: "Zhengjun, it would be nice if we were here, you should hurry back to the carriage."

Su Xuanchen stared straight at Xia He with his indifferent eyes, and felt terrified when he looked at Xia He.

With his thin lips parted slightly, Su Xuanchen said, "You guys are too slow." After all, the carriage was made of wood, and it didn't stay warm in a tent.

The bitterness in Xia He's heart, she knows how to be slow, but what can she do in this snowstorm?
They, a group of old women, can't handle it well, so do they have to trouble a man?Although that man is very powerful, but he is the prince of the empress, how dare she let Su Xuanchen do it himself.

Therefore, Xia He followed behind Su Xuanchen and persuaded earnestly: "Mr. Zheng, it is better for the subordinates to do these rough jobs. You only need to take care of His Highness."

Su Xuanchen stopped, turned his head and looked at Xia He quietly: "Is this gentleman so useless?"

Just as Xia He was about to say no, Su Xuanchen had already walked towards a leeward opening alone.

"Xia He, let our master go." Chun Shan stood behind Xia He at some point, with snowflakes on his head, looking at Su Xuanchen's leaving back.

Xia He frowned: "I'd better report this to His Highness." After speaking, she wanted to turn around and leave.

Chun Shan grabbed Xia He's wrist, and said with some resentment: "Master wants to do something for the woman he loves, that's right, besides, our master is not as delicate as you think."

Hearing this, Xia He couldn't help laughing, and looked sideways at Chun Shan: "Chun Shan, these rough jobs are what women should do. If His Highness knows that the national teacher does these rough jobs, he will feel distressed."

Chun Shanjun's face was a little uncomfortable: "This is different, I understand the mood of the national teacher."

Xia He pulled down Chun Shan's finger that was pulling her sleeve, and said with a smile: "You little brat, what do you understand?" Saying that, Xia He wanted to walk towards the carriage.

Chun Shan pulled Xia He away, put his hands on her shoulders, looked into her eyes seriously, and said: "My sister and I will go to help the master, Xia He, whatever the master wants to do, the Highness is here It can't be stopped."

Because of these words, Xia He finally calmed down, because it seemed that she was so close to Chun Shan for the first time.

Not to mention, this kid looks quite pleasing to the eye when he's not arguing with her.

"Since that's the case, it's fine for me to go with your sister. You can find a place to hide yourself." Xia He compromised.

Chun Shan grabbed her icy and cold wrist again: "I also want to help you...and my sister."

Xia He was taken aback for a moment, and looked sideways at Chun Shan, perhaps because the wind and snow flying all over the sky had fascinated her eyes, but she actually saw a bit of shyness from the face of the young man who always sang against her in front of her.

"Okay." For unknown reasons, Xia He rolled her eyes and answered.

Just as Chun Shan wanted to move the hand holding her wrist away, Xia He held it tightly.

Looking up, meeting those smiling eyes, he heard Xia He say: "It's too windy and snowy, it's more appropriate to follow behind me."

Xia He just led him like this, and walked towards the person under the rock step by step in the wind and snow.

Inside the carriage—

Su Qing woke up in a daze, and when she realized that she was hugged in someone's arms, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

Quietly withdrawing from Jun Qian's body, Su Qing covered him with his robe, laid him flat, and tiptoed out.

(End of this chapter)

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