Chapter 207
As soon as the curtain was lifted, a coldness hit Su Qing directly. She shivered from the cold, and quickly jumped out of the carriage, but her feet immediately fell into the snow.

Su Qing steadied her footsteps and took a closer look. There was a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth, the sky was full of snowflakes falling from the sky, and the whole land was covered with snow. For her, a southerner who had hardly seen snow, such a scene , is simply too beautiful to behold.

Of course, if you ignore the fact that her teeth are chattering from the cold at the moment.

"Your Highness, it's windy and snowy outside, you'd better go back to the carriage first." Baili Feng appeared out of nowhere, his black clothes were stained with a layer of snow, which shows that today's snowstorm is indeed heavy.

Su Qing's lips turned pale, and a pair of pitch-black eyes looked at Baili Feng beside him: "Where is Zhengjun?"

Bailifeng quickly lowered his head, a trace of worry flashed in the depths of his eyes, but he still replied respectfully: "Set up a tent."

Su Qing's complexion changed, Su Xuanchen is sick, right?In such a cold day, what is he doing to join in the fun?
What should I do if the steamed stuffed buns are frozen in the future?
The more she thought about it, the more anxious Su Qing looked up, trying to find Su Xuanchen's location.

But most of the officers and soldiers were on the flat ground, gathering together in twos and threes to keep warm, and there were a lot of tents, and everyone was covered with a layer of wind and snow.

But, the point is, what about Su Xuanchen?

The sky and the earth are all white, and Su Xuanchen is dressed in white, so she can't find where the others are at the moment!
Turning around anxiously to look at Bailifeng, Su Qing asked, "Where are the others?"

Bai Lifeng just took off the black robe on his body and handed it to Su Qing: "Your Highness, you put it on first, and this subordinate will take you there."

Just as Su Qing was about to say yes, she heard someone calling her from behind: "Su Qing!"

Su Qing's finger that had just been extended to take Bailifeng's robe suddenly retracted, and she looked behind in surprise, and Su Xuanchen's unparalleled face came into her eyes.

With a bright smile on the corner of her mouth, Su Qing ran towards him...

The moment she turned around, the robe in Bailifeng's hand fell to the ground quietly.

Seeing that she ran out in such thin clothes, Su Xuanchen felt a little angry.

Su Qing threw herself into Su Xuanchen's arms suddenly, Su Xuanchen felt a little unhappy, but still took her into his arms and wrapped her in a robe.

"Why are you so disturbing? Wouldn't it be nice to stay in the carriage?" Su Xuanchen obviously wanted to curse, but when the words came to his lips, Su Xuanchen's tone was still soft.

Su Qing shrunk her head in his arms, and said with a slight complaint: "My wife can't see you when she wakes up, so why don't you come out and look for you?"

Hearing what she said, Su Xuanchen's anger was also half dissipated. With a soft sigh, Su Xuanchen directly hugged her by the waist, and walked steadily towards the tent he had built for her with his own hands.

Everyone present looked at this scene in amazement, especially those little soldiers who followed Su Xuanchen to the woods to find Su Qing.

They clearly remembered that at that time, His Highness's life and death were uncertain, and the national teacher was not even willing to wait for His Highness to come out.

Now... what's the situation?
Maybe it's been a long time with Su Qing, Su Xuanchen's expression didn't change a bit under the eyes of everyone, but he just hugged the person in his arms tighter.

Su Qing seemed to have gotten used to the feeling of being so dependent on him, so she curled up quietly in his arms.

At this time, Jun Qian just got out of the carriage sleepily, and when he saw Bai Lifeng standing with his head down in the ice and snow, doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Prince Baili, are you alright?"

Hearing the sound, Baili Feng froze all over, bent down and picked up the robe, then stood up and looked at Jun Qian, and said with a slight smile, "Thank you, young master, for your concern, and my subordinates are fine."

After speaking, Baili Feng put his robe on his arms, turned and left.

Looking at his tall and straight back, Jun Qian scratched his head in doubt, what's wrong?
 Reward! !Recommended ticket! ! !Five-star praise! ! mua~
(End of this chapter)

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